Ch.11 Telling The Boys.

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Hey my loves I hope you like this chapter and how is the boys going to reacted when Claire and Harry tell them about the relationship?


We get home and I got and sit on the couch and harry sits down beside me and he get out his phone and calls the boys after he was done he turned to me and said "They are on their way." I looked down and he got my hand and held it and said "we don't have to if you don't want to." I looked up and said "nope I'm fine it!" "Ok" he smiled t me and I did too and then the door bell rang and harry and me got up and answered it.

The boys walks in and Perrie was with them too I hugged them and then me and Perrie laughed and hugged and then she sat down and me and harry were on one couch and they were on the other ones then harry said "ok guys we got to tell you guys something." Then he sad "Claire is my girlfriend!" After he said that everyone was excited except Niall he ran into Harry's room and everyone stopped smiling and I stood up and said "I will go talk to him." Harry nodded and then I walked up the stairs and I knocked on the door and said "Niall it's me." "Come in" I opened the door and locked it and he is is wiping his eyes "Niall why did you storm off?" He looked at me and came closer and he said "you really don't know do you Claire?" "No Niall I really don't." He penned me to the wall and said "it really like you Claire!" He whispered\yelled. He is really close to my face and he said "just kiss me if you don't feel anything I understand." "Nia-" I got cut off by Niall's lips pressed to mine he licked his lips on the bottom of my lip and I let him and he explored my mouth and then he pulled away and he said "so did you feel anything?" I stood still because I did feel something..... I nodded and he said "really yes!!" "Niall I have a boyfriend I can't do that to harry, im sorry  I did feel something but can't go out with you I'm sorry." Before I walked out Niall said "please don't go don't do this!" I felt a tear go down my cheek and Niall is bawling and I said "I'm sorry Niall." And then I walked out and I wiped away my tears and then sat down by harry and he said "hey fishy is everything ok?" I smiled and said "yep!" He smiled and then went into the kitchen and then Perrie came over to me and said "Bathroom now!" We walked into the bathroom and she locked the door and said "now what is wrong?!?" I said "nothing" "no something happen?" I ran and gave her a big hug and cried she rubbed my back and then I said "I went to talk to Niall and he said that he liked me then he penned me to the wall and said just kiss me and if you don't feel anything I understand and I kissed him and I felt a lot of sparks then I told him I can't do that to harry and he started crying and I did too and I just don't know because I love harry and then I think I like Niall what should i do Perrie?" She hugged me again and I cried into her shoulder and she said "im sorry that happened and I would just stay with harry and Niall will get over it I promise and when you talk to him again just tell him that you guys want to be just friends ok?" "Ok Thankyou Perrie what would I do without you?" "I have no clue!" We laugh an then we walk out and I walked back up to Harry's room and Niall is still there laying down crying and when he sees me he stopped crying and tries to wipe his eyes off. "What do you want" "I know I hurt you I was wondering if we can just be friends and not let's this awkwardness get the best off us." "Ok" we walked out and stared talking to other boys and I sat next to harry.......


Hey guys for some reason on my phone I can't look at the comments only on my computer so if u have any question I will answer back as soon as possible! Bye my loves


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