Ch.19 picking up the Boys!!!!!

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Hey guys I hope you like this one I skipped a lot because it would be easier but don't be mad ok!!


Claire's P.O.V

It's been a year since the tour started and I saw harry A lot since then I saw him like 5 times and today I'm going to go pick them up they are done with the tour and I turned 17 this last year and me and harry are expecting a baby girl on the way in a month! We are calling her Darcy. While they were gone we got a dog and her name is sparkles and she is a miniture poodle. I was about to leave and I got my car keys and my sunglasses and said goodbye to sparkles and walked out.

Skip car ride

I got to the airport and the boys ran into the car and El was with louis and hugely all ran into the car harry was in passenger seat and the boys were in the back harry kissed me and said "hey babe how is Darcy?" "Good you?" "Good" then louis rubbed my belly and said "how's Jim?" I laughed and said "good" we drove back to the house and me and elounor walked in the house with are arms interlocked and she said "let's go baby clothes shopping!" "Bye!!!!" We both said "bye!!" The boys said harry went with us.

We got to the mall and me and harry were folding hands and these girls came up to us and he squeezed my hand and the girls looked like sluts that would do anything for sex, sorry not sorry. They looked at me and gave me a dirty look and harry put his hands into

A fist the girl that looked like the boss of the others said "can we have pic" "sure" el took the pic and gave them

Back there phone and then the girls whispered to the others and said "she is so uglier in person" then harry said "hey don't talk about my girlfriend like or it won't be good" they told me sorry and ran off he came up to me and said "I love you and don't listen to them ok" "ok i wont I love you too" el said "let's go baby shopping!!!" And she ran off into a baby store we laughed and harry said "I think she is excited" "no not at all lol" we walk in and el already got like 5 outfits one was a dress with flowers and then some other thing and we got some stuff and ended up with 20 outfits and 16 dresses and got a stroller and a carrier and then we got Starbucks and got everyone else some and then we got home and me and harry laid down and I just can't wait until this little angel comes into this world


Hey guys I hope you like it the next chapter is the last chapter! Ok! By my loves


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