Ch.8 Harrys house

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Hey my loves I hope you like this one!!


We get to Harry's house and it's a mansion anyway we walk up to the door and we walked in, the boys were in the living room on their phones and they looked up and they all said "Claire!" Then they all ran up to me and gave me a group hug then after they were through Louis said "how's my bestie!" "I'm good how's my bestie!"

"Just lovely" I chuckled the Liam picked me up and said "my peanut!!" I laugh while he is running around the house with me over his shoulders I said "put m-me do-down!" Laughing so hard he put me down and the Zayn came up to me and hugs me again and said "I have missed you Claire!" "Me too Zayn!" Niall hugged me and said "hey me love" "hi Nialler" he smiled. We all went to the living room me and harry and Niall sat on the couch and I was in the middle and Harry put his arm around me, and I looked to the side of my eye and Niall is staring at his arm like he is jealous, anyway Louis and Liam are on the love seat and then Zayn is in the recliner. Louis said "do you guys want to watch a movie?" We all said "yes" he got up and said "grown ups 2 or chain saw massacre?" We all said "chain saw massacre!" He smiled and put in the movie.

That movie was scary I was holding on to Harry and he is holding on to me and finally 5 mins later the movie finally ended. "Man that was scary " I said the boys said "yeah" louis put in grown ups 2 and I was really tired so I went to sleep and right before I heard harry talking to my mom saying that she is asleep and we will bring her home tomorrow. Then I let my sleepiness take over....

The next morning

I woke up in a bed and Harry is right beside me asleep I looked down and thank The Lord that I'm still dressed I chuckled and then got up and I'm Ina white shirt with grey sweatpants that were probably Harry's I walk into his bathroom and put up my now curly hair in a pony tail then I realized that I'm really tired and it's only 7:00 so I got back into the bed and then went back to sleep.

3 hours later

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up and see Claire still sleeping so I went to make breakfast I walked downstairs and got the eggs and bacon out of fridge and started making them and then remembering last night...


After Claire went to sleep on my side I called her mom telling her mom that she had fallen asleep and we will bring her home tomorrow sometime she was fine with it and then I hung up. Louis looked at me and just shook his head and said "she is out." I smiled at her and then looked up and said "I know right." The boys and I watched the rest of the movie and then they left, right before they left Zayn said "I will bring Perrie tomorrow for Claire to meet her" I smiled and said "ok" they walked out and I woke her up so she could go changed she walked into the bathroom and changed into one of my white tops and sweatpants and she walked out and handed me her clothes and then held her arms for me to carry her I chuckled and picked her up bridal style then laid her in my bed then turned off the tv and the lights and locked the doors the walked to the bedroom and got into the bed into my sweatpants with no shirt on and then put our phones on the side table and went to sleep holding on claire..... And I then told my self I'm going to ask her to be mine tomorrow......

Claire's P.O.V

I woke up smelling bacon and I ran downstairs and said "BACON!!!" I ran to the kitchen and saw Harry laughing while putting bacon on two plates then eggs. He gave me a plate and said "Good morning beautiful" I smiled and said "morning" we say down and ate talking about zebras and animals. After we were done I went to the bedroom and got the clothes harry said that mom brung last night I got them out and my tooth brush and make up was in there too I changed into a blue v neck with a Cheetah print scarf with blue jean shorts that were a little short not really bad short. I put on some make up and did my hair into a messy pony tail and two strands of hair on the side of my face then brushed my teeth then walked out and put on my black vans. I walked to the living room and harry is in a black t shirt with black blue jeans with a black belt with his boots and his hair in a bandanna. He smiled and said "you look beautiful!" "Thankyou" I smiled and harry kept on staring at me and I said "what?" He walked up to me and cupped my cheeks and kissed me are lips were like a puzzle they fit perfectly and it was like fireworks, he asked for entrance and I let him and he slipped his tongue in my mouth and explored my mouth and then a few seconds later we pulled away. He smiled and said "Claire will you be my Girlfriend?" I smile and said "yes Harry I would love too!" He smiled and hugged me and then he said "do you want to watch a film?" "Sure" I said but we were cut off when the doorbell went off Harry answer it and it was Zayn and...... Perrie! OMG!


They kissed!!! I'm so happy and now she gets to meet Perrie her inspiration!

Love you guys


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