Ch.20 forever and always

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Hey guys this is my last chapter I love you guys!!!!


2 year later

Me and harry are happily together with are 2 years old baby girl Darcy she is a daddy's and uncle louis girl. El and louis got married and else is happily pregant with a little boy Zayn and parrie are happily married. And me and harry have a house together and so do the others. Niall is happily together with Lottie louis sister. Liam and Sophie are married with a baby girl on the way.

"Harry Darcy is crying can u get her something to eat while I get the house cleaned up?" "Sure" harry got Darcy to sit on the couch while eating gummys and watching t.v. He sat down beside her her curls are just like his and her eyes are green like his an she has my Aditude and my smile. I got done with cleaning and came over to the living room and Darcy is out and harry is watching her. "Come on let go to sleep" he smiled and nodded and he carried her to bed. We get into bed and harry said "I love you Claire" "I love you too Harry" he put his pinky out and he said "forever" and I Locked mine with his and said "always" he kissed me and then I realized I really love this boy and this wouldn't of happened if I didn't get go to to the meet and greet.........

The End


Hey guys this is the end of the book I hope you like it I love you guys!!!


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