Ch.10 The zoo and the mad Gorilla!!

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Hey my loves hope you like this chapter!


The next morning

I told mom about us last night and she was fine with it and today I'm wearing a navy blue and white stripes with a red anchor with blue jean shorts then my vans and then I curled my hair and then took to pieces from the front and pined then in the back with a cute little red bow and then I walked out and mom is talking to harry and then he got up and held my hand and kissed me and said "hey babe" I smiled and said "hey babe" I told mom bye and then we got into his car and the we talked all the way to the zoo.

We get there and Harry paid and then we got a stamp on hand and then we walked in. We saw the camels and there was a baby that came up to me and I petted it and called it jim harry laughed and scared it and it got closer to me and I smiled and then we went to the flamingos and they were pretty then the tigers then lions and snakes and the sharks and fishys and I wouldn't stop looking at the fishys and harry locked his fingers with mine and said "come on fishy paps are coming" I smile cause he called me that and I said "ok I like the fishy name by the way" he smiled and said "Thankyou" then we went to the elephants and then the monkeys and I named one Harold and harry called one fishy! We got a pretzel ten are last animal we were going to see is the gorillas and we walked up to be glass and there was a man making it mad and it came to the glass toward us and harry pulled me behind him and I was looks t the gorilla and he banged on the glass really hard and cracked it and me and harry ran and we stopped and I said "ok enough for today but I have a whole lot fun! " " me too"" he said and we walked to the car and drove to his house. To tell the boys about are relationship...


hey my loves i hope you liked this chapter! i thik this story is going to go about to 20 i think anyway i love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!



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