Ch.13 Where am I?

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Hey guys just got done with camp I will update 2 times today since it has been so long since I have update so I hope you like this one!!!

Claire's P.O.V

I woke up and I was in a bed and the room with white walls I couldn't put my finger on it where I was and then a person came in and said "hello Ms Smith I and Dr. Cole and I will be your doctor" "where am I" I said he looked at me and said "You and your boyfriend Harry were walking down a alley and your dad came up behind you and shot you and your boyfriend, you were shot in the stomach and your boyfriend was shot in the stomach also." "Where is he I need to see him!" I tried to get out of the bed but the doctor held me down "Claire you can't see him right know ok he is asleep and he will be up shortly ok!" "Ok" I got back on the bed and I said "just please keep him safe ok" "we will do everything we can" he left the room and I just sat on the bed and my stomach was patched and it didn't hurt I guess pain pills.

About 5 mins later the doctor came back in and said "come on you can go see him now." He tried to help me up but I stopped him and said "no it's ok I got it" he smiled and I walked to the door and said "what room?" "He is right beside you" I walked out of the room and I stood in front of the door and then I opened it and I saw harry he looked normal just his shirt is off and he has a patch on his stomach. I walked to him and I cried and he calmed me down and he looked at me and said "I'm so glad you are safe I love you" "I love you too" he kissed me and then I thought and said "where is Jordan and Jamie?!?" "It's ok they are in prison your dad is for life and Jamie is for 6 years it will be ok I promise ok" I nodded and said "ok" I got into the bed with him and put my head on his chest. "When are we leaving?" "the doctor told me that he will come back in a hour and then we can go" "ok good" we went to sleep.

We got woken up by the doctor and he said we are free to go so I went back to my room and changed my clothes while Harry is in the other room. My stomach doesn't hurt at all and the doctor said that it didn't hurt me do much is because it was a little gun and that they hurt sometimes but not always so I'm very thankful and Harry's didn't hurt either. Harry walked back in and said "are you ready fishy?" I chuckled and said "yes" we locked hands and harry checked us out and we got into the car and drove home.

Hey guys I know it was short but I promise the next one will be longer love you guys!!!


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