Ch.14 Nerf gun fight!!!!!

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Hey guys I'm going to make some chapters that are fun! I'm so sorry I haven't updated! Hope you guys like this one!!


Claire's P.O.V

We get home and and harry walked to the door and let's me walk in and the lights were off I put the car keys and my phone then the lights turned on and a big banner that said "welcome home!!" And the boys were holding a cake and I smiled and said "Thankyou! But first I'm putting on my pjs because u guys have yours on!" I walk up the stairs and undress and I looked at the cloth around my stomach and the doctor told me I could take it off and harry already did so I'm going to. I pull it off and there is like a second belly button but really small I put on my plaid blue pink and purple pants with a pink shirt. I walked back in and put my arms around harry and he kissed me and said "hey my fishy!" "Hey" louis yelled "Cake!!!" He took a piece and we all sat down and took a piece and ice cream. After we were done Liam cleaned up then louis said "I got Nerf guns are any one up for a game?" We all said "yes!" We run to the bucket and got too guns for each person then we said "go!" Zayn was running after me then I hit him and I shot him abf he fell down pretending to die then I laughed and ran and I found Niall and he was not facing he was behind the couch I went up to him and pointed the gun and put it on his head and yelled "Don't move!" He laughter and said "ok! Geez chill your cheese!" He got up and then I giggled and said "drop your guns!" He dropped them and then I shot him and he fell down. Niall got harry I got niall louis got liam and I got Zayn then all was left was louis so I ran to the supples closet and hid in there. "Come out where ever you are Claire! I know you are some where!" I giggled when he opened a door and said "got u wait nevermind!" I heard footsteps getting closer and then he opened my door and shot me in the for head and started happy dancing and kept said "YES IM THE CHAMPION YOU ALREADY KNOW IM IN THE FAST LINE TO L.A TO TOKYO!" I was laughing and all the boys got up and niall said "I'm hungry" then I said" is anyone up for pizza" "yes!!" I ordered the pizza and about 15 mins the man came and louis payed and we got some and watched a movie then it was midnight so me and harry went to bed and the boys stayed up to play X Box. "Good night Claire I love you" harry said while putting his arm around me and pulled me close then I said "good night harry I love you too." Then I went to sleep.


Hey I hope you liked it going to bed now my loves!!


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