Better For You

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Dougie's POV

In a tiny little room I sat, lights off, thinking, just thinking, watching time go by. What was I going to do next, that relationship was all over, I guess I had to put all my effort in to the band now, it'd keep my mind off things right. I got up from the room and walked out in to Tom's garage, band practice time.

'Why have you been in there?' Harry asked me, he was kind of staring me out and it had me worried, I didn't like his eyes looking at me like that, it was freaky. I took in a deep breath, did I really tell him the truth or make up something.

'I just wanted somewhere to think for a minute' there it wasn't a lie and it wasn't the truth was it. I picked up my bass guitar and started to tune it, trying to take the focus off me and get them started on practice, we had a gig coming up and it was a pretty big one really. 'Lets get this done c'mon we haven't got long before we do that gig for JLS guys' they all nodded, probably decided it wasn't a good idea to pursue what was wrong with me while we had that to think about, I was quite relieved actually, something big like that was just what I needed.

'Right so first song is going to be 5 colours right?' Tom asked, Danny nodded at him and we started strumming away, Tom and Danny started to sing and I was off in to my own little world, Harry was bashing away at the back on his drums.

Aston's POV

I was preparing to go back to my homeland to play a gig, it had been a while, well I hadn't done one there since me and the boys hit the big time. The plan was to walk through the town to the gig, mum kept telling me how this was a really bad idea but I had to do it, its not like I was going to be recognisable, I was going to wear an outfit that hid most of me and I was going alone so I'd just look like any other person in the city.

'Ast stop daydreaming' JB shouted over at me, we were in my garden having a BBQ with my family, my family had practically insisted it happened so I wasn't going to go against them, it was really good to see them all having fun and mum had hired out all sorts of things for us, well the kids, but we had to have a go right. I looked at Marvin and Oristé and laughed they were stood in those sumo suits trying to take each other down, they weren't doing very well, they struggled to even touch each other. Mum had the camera out wandering around snapping away at everyone that she could get to, I pointed her in the direction of the boys and she laughed taking many pictures of them as Marvin finally got hold of Oristé and he landed with a big puff of air on top of him.

'Yo boys really this is not the time or place to be doing that okay' I shouted at them before walking away, I was damn hungry and I was going to get some food, I needed to stock myself up ready for tomorrow, rehearsals, the only one we had on the stage before it actually happened. I heard squealing from the other side of our of fence, I decided to pop my head over to see who it was, I saw two girls walking along with JLS jumpers on, I couldn't help but whistle and wave at them, to which they screamed even louder and my mum shouted at me.

Harry's POV

I knew something was wrong with Dougie and I just wished he'd tell me, but this was usual for him, kept everything bottled up until it got too much then it all poured out. He was outside just wandering around Tom's garden, we were going to be setting off soon and I was worried about how he was going to cope on the journey, I wanted to go over but I knew that he'd just tell me to get lost and that he was fine, so really it'd be pointless.

'Harry c'mon we need your muscles to get this lot in the van now' Tom called to me, he always was a shrimp when it came to lifting heavy things, he needed to come to the gym with me I think, get some muscles since we were off on tour soon and would be doing lots of heavy loading.

'Coming dude' I called back at him and left Dougie to his thoughts, I wasn't going to push him right now, I made my way to the garage where my drums had been placed in a nice pile ready to load on to the van. I began with my stuff since it was the most awkward to fit in, Tom and Danny just stood and watched me. 'Help would be good you know' I glared at them and they smirked at me, I threw one of my sticks close to them, unfortunately it ended up hitting Dougie's arm since he'd come to join us now, 'shit dude sorry' I looked at him, he just shrugged at me, usually he'd laugh and throw it back so I knew something was wrong with him, I was going to speak to him on the way, I had too.

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