Chapter 18

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Carys' POV

'Right I came here for some fun, so lets make this fun instead of serious' I sat down on Aston's lap, I was liking how serious this had got, it wasn't much fun of a date when the boys were so serious, which made me get serious.

'I agree' Katy winked my way, obviously feeling the same about this day out we were having, Aston looked at me nodding, he wasn't happy about not winning any of the 5 games we'd played so far.

'Okay lets inject some fun in to this' Oritsé sat smiling at us, obviously he wanted to have fun as well, I picked up a ball, tip toed along and literally threw the ball down the lane, instantly turning around, I wasn't bothered how many I knocked down.

'Carys even when you don't try you hit it' I twirled around to see that I'd hit all the pins down, whoops, what could I say I was just class as this type of thing.

'Sorry guys, I really didn't mean to do that' I blushed a little, I could feel my throat drying up, 'anyone fancy getting a drink?' I had to get some liquid down me, I didn't care what it was right now.

'Let's go' Aston placed his arm around my shoulders after following my strike with his own, he felt much more relaxed now, leading me off towards the bar. 'I still can't believe you hit a strike without trying, obviously being relaxed about it works' he winked at me as I lent on the bar with back, he stood in front of me, his hands resting on the bar. I could hear screams and looked at the window, it was full of girls looking over at Aston, he smiled and waved at them and they screamed even more at him.

'You love all that attention don't you' I smirked at him, I couldn't blame him, getting attention was nice, but I felt a twang of guilt, just a couple of days ago, I was one of those girls, longing for a small piece of recognition that he knew I existed and now, here I was, in his arms, our bodies so close.

'But I love getting your attention more' I blushed again, what was he trying to do to me, our drinks were placed down next to us and I must've gulped mine down so far, I think reality was finally catching up with me, I felt strange inside, dry mouthed, just weird.

Emmy's POV

Danny had pulled in to the car park, I looked around, there was a Nando's, a pub, a cinema and a Frankie and Benny's, but where the hell were we going.

'Blindfold time' only he could do that to me, bring me somewhere and blindfold me so that I didn't know where we were going, I was happy I'd worn something versatile though, so no matter where I ended up I would look good.

'Danny, where the hell are we going?' I had to ask, I heard him let out a small laugh, I put my arms out to search for him, I found his arm and punched it lightly.

'You'll find out soon, just climb in to this' he lifted my leg, what was I getting in to, something that was high up I knew that, I could feel his hand in mine, it was a lovely moment. I started to hear a klip klop, klip klop and knew he'd taken me on a horse and carriage ride.

'Danny I love this' he finally took my blindfold off and I blinked a few times to adjust to the light, then I looked around, then I realised he was pointing at something, I followed his arm to where he was pointing, ice skating, I was going ice skating, I'd never been before so this was going to be interesting.

'How are you on the ice?' he was looking me, right in the eyes, I felt butterflies, I didn't really care what we did today, just spending the time with him was going to be good enough for me, I'd waited so long for this to happen.

'I've never been, you'll hold me up right?' he smirked at me, either he held me up or I crawled along the edges holding on, it was his choice.

'I suppose I could hold on to you, Mr. Strong me' I burst out laughing, Mr. Strong really, what was he saying aye, he looked at me, puppy dogs eyes on, I bit my lip as a way of saying sorry for laughing at me.

'Well lets get in there then' I was really excited for this, he helped me climb down out of the horses carriage, taking my hand and leading the way.

Ashlee's POV

I think Harry had finally calmed down, he'd sat down with me on the sofa, I think he'd forgotten all about going to the cinema now.

'So what time do you wan to leave?' I hated when he did that, like he could read my mind, he did it quiet a lot really.

'How about we go about 2 ish' I suggested, he nodded, that meant we had about an hour to get ready, that was long enough, I needed a shower and I wanted to un pack some of my bits, we were going to be at Lisa's for a few days so I had to make myself comfortable, I knew she wouldn't mind.

'Sounds good to me, I'm going to get some food, I'm starving' he rubbed his belly and I laughed at him, forever hungry that boy, no matter what he ate, he was always hungry.

'I'm going to go get me a shower' I shouted around the house so everyone knew and no-one would try walk in on me if I forgot to lock the door. I got my things from my bedroom and walked in to Lisa's bathroom, it never changed in there, everything was always perfectly lined up, in order of what it was, in groups and ready to be used. As I stood in the shower and felt the rush of the water over my head I let out a little sigh, I knew from here on in things would start to get complicated with Harry, they'd be less time to spend with him, of course I was majorly happy for him, but I had to think about the knock on effect it would have on our relationship. 'AAAHHH' I screamed as the water went really cold, what the hell was going on, this never normally happened, I jumped out the shower and saw Harry stood there, a smirk on his face.

'Sorry I couldn't help myself' his smirk grew as he looked at me, he pulled me up close to him, carrying me back in to the shower.

'I hate you sometimes' I told him, as the shower went back to being nice and hot, however I had a feeling that Harry had something else on his mind.

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