Chapter 10

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Marvin's POV

The crowd were going simply insane, it was no less than I expected though, I kept looking down at the 4 girls that had come with us, there was just something about them, they were making this gig a whole lot better and I felt amazing.

'Peterborough, you have been absolutely amazing, we just want to thank every single one of you for coming to see us today, you mean the world to us' Aston was saying, he sounded pretty chocked up, but I didn't really blame him for that.

'If it wasn't for you spending your money coming to see you and buying our music we wouldn't be living our dream' Oritsé added, I smiled and nodded, I agreed with that statement.

'This is out last song and its dedicated to every single one of you' the sound of Everybody In Love started to ring out of the speakers and the whole crowd put their hands in the air.

'Now everybody say JLS' we said, the crowd responding. I smiled down at the 4 girls we stood holding each others hands in the air, oh my word this was amazing, my dream was coming true everyday and I had the people in front of me to thank for this. The song ended and we ran off towards the tents out the back, we were going to stick around tonight and let everyone leave before we left, which was quite a one off, usually we ran straight off and out, but we decided we were going to get the girls back and ask them if they wanted to come out with us tonight.

'Amazing show' I heard one of them say, I looked up, it was the red head, Carys, god Aston was mad for here right now.

'Thanks, just glad you enjoyed it' Aston was smirking at he looked at her, I knew exactly what was on his mind right now, tonight was going to be crazy.

'We just wondered if you wanted to come out with us tonight?' JB asked them, they all smiled and giggled a little, nodding like crazy at the prospect.

'We'd love to' she spoke, finally she spoke, god I could feel my heart beating like mad, my focus tonight was all going to be on her.

Danny's POV

I was just about to head to bed, today had been amazing, the gig was awesome and I'd finally gotten my feelings for Emmy off my chest, simply amazing. I was going to bed with a smile on my face, my phone buzzed, I looked down, message from Emmy, was what I saw. Today has been one of the best of my life, I'm looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow, Emmy xxx. The smiled on my face grew so much larger, I had to think for a second on what to send back to her.

'Danny' Tom came in to my room and sat down on my bed, I wondered what he wanted to say to me, his face looked full of thought so I sat down next to him ready for him to spill whatever it was that he needed to get off his chest.

'What's up dude?' I asked him, I felt full of dread for a second, he took in a big breathe, ready to spill.

'I'm so fucking happy' he practically screamed in my face, really, why did he have to do that to me, I pushed him off my bed and he landed with a thud, fucker deserved that. 'OUCH' I heard him shout as he got up and dusted himself off.

'I thought there was something seriously wrong with you' I huffed at him, god he was such a little shit when he wanted to be, tricking me like that, he smirked at me as he sat down on my bed.

'Today has being AMAZING' Tom was smiling from ear to ear and I joined him, just thinking about the awesome things that have happened today, I just had to smile.

'So were you taking Nat then?' I had to ask him, Tom was the best person to go out with so I was sure he had a really good place to take her.

'Nando's bruv, its the bomb, everyone loves it there' I knew it, best ideas ever.

Ashlee's POV

I sat on the sofa with Harry, watching a movie, I wasn't sure which movie it was, I was just so glad to be spending time with him. My head was resting on his chest so I moved slightly up and down as he was breathing, it felt so natural to me to be here right now, I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me.

'This is just great' he elated at me, I nodded in agreement as I looked back at the movie, just heaven.

'I've really missed this' I sighed but it wasn't a bad thing, going away from him had really helped to show me how much I loved him, how much I really needed to be with him. His pushed his hands through my hair.

'Me too, but its all back to normal now, everything will be fine' I felt his hand brush across my cheek, I looked up at him again, pushing myself up to plant a kiss on his lips, he placed his arms around me to hold me there.

'Shall we head up now, I'm feeling tired' I yawned as I sat up straight, stretching my arms out, he stood up and pulled me up with him. 'Harry' I giggled as he picked me up, carrying me around like the knight in shining armour, I'd missed him being protective of me.

'Ready for bed my darling?' his arms wrapped around me properly as he started to walk along the hall to the stairs, I was worried he was going to drop me for a second you know.

'Lets go to be my prince' I kissed him again as he started to walk up the stairs, his arms started to shake a little, oh gosh, this felt bad.

'Harry put me down while we at least go up the stairs' he smiled and nodded at me delicately placing my down on the stairs.

'Come on then before I bite that backside of yours' I giggled as I raced up the stairs and leapt on to the bed, closely followed by Harry.

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