Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

We just saw JLS, wow they are amazing guys, they had 4 girls with them too, they all seemed to have heard of us as well which was pretty awesome.

'HARRY' I heard a familiar voice shouting my name, I spun at the speed of lightening to where I heard it come from and my feet began to move before my brain had even registered, she was back, my amazing girlfriend was finally back, a week before planned as well. We met and she jumped in to my arms, I spun her around and around, staring in her beautiful eyes the whole time, they began to well up, as did mine, and I placed a long gentle kiss on her lips.

'Ashlee, I'm so glad you're back' I hugged her close again before placing another kiss on her lips, I took in her smell, gosh I'd missed her so much, everything about her, her long wavy hair, her beautiful eyes, her lovely scent, her voice, just being able to hold her, everything.

'I'm never leaving you again okay' that was like music to my ears, I never wanted her to go again, ever, I wanted us to settle down properly now, it just felt right to me.

'I'm never letting you go, it was painful not having you around' I told her as a stray tear left my eye, she wiped it away, kissing me softly. I finally put her down on the ground, taking her hand in mine, they fit so perfectly together, like they had been moulded to fit together.

'Ashlee, nice to see you back' Dougie came over to us and embraced her, she rolled her eyes at me as he squeezed her tight. 'I've missed you, you little angle you' he rubbed his knuckles in her hair and was off again.

'Nice to see some people never change' Ashlee smiled at me and watched him skip along the grass, no-one knew where he was going, there was nothing at the end of where he was going.

Katy's POV

We finally reached the stage, the whole way I had been watching Marvin, oh my what an arse he had on him, I looked to the ground as he looked at me, my cheeks had flushed when I caught his gaze, damn what was going on.

'So you'll all be standing down here' Aston was talking away, most of it was just going over my head, I couldn't focus on anything, there were so many good looking people about that my mind was just going around and around.

'Katy' I was bought back round, fingers were snapping in my face, I looked at the person snapping at me, oh god why was he snapping his fingers in my face 'are you okay?' he asked me, all I could do was nod, I was struck dumb right there.

'What's going on?' Ashley whispered in my ear but it was like I couldn't hear her, I didn't move, not even my eyes moved to do anything. 'Katy' my body was shaking, someone was shaking me, then I was twirled around coming face to face with the bright red hair, it was like I was back to normal, my eyes blinked and I smiled.

'Sorry, I don't know what came over me' I looked at her, her face finally losing her serious look, I turned back around to look at the 4 boys, they all had a concerned look. 'I was just amazed looking over how big it was out there, and where we would be standing, I wasn't expecting to be in front of the barrier' they all smiled at me, gosh his smile, it was flawless and just so, you know, god, I was turning in to a mess being near him right now.

Nat's POV

Great so I was left alone with Tom now, this was the last thing I needed right now, I felt so upset about earlier, yes it was a compliment but I'd never been able to take them, especially when they were announced over a microphone and everyone in the arena could hear it.

'Nat look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset, its just' he trailed off, I could see his hands playing around, how was he nervous, someone so stunning, nervous about talking to me, it wasn't right at all. 'I can't keep my eyes off you and yes it was off putting, but in a seriously good way, I want to take you out on a date, please agree' what, did I just hear that right, Tom just asked me out, this really wasn't right. I looked at him, it was like he was hanging on a reply, god what was I going to say.

'Tom I'd love to' what else was I going to say, his face lit up and I felt a sensation inside, he took my hand and gave it a small kiss, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, it was electric to my body.

'What's going on here then?' I saw Danny appear from around the side of a tent, Emmy right behind him, them holding hands, wait, them holding hands, oh my god could things get any better!!!! I ran over to her and hugged her so hard

'Look at you' I whispered in her ear, the smile on her face simply grew.

'You and Tom?' she whispered back to me, I smiled at her “date” I mouthed to her and she let out a little squeal.

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