Chapter 14

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Ashlee's POV

I woke up to see Harry sleeping next to me, I smiled and laid my head on his chest, I loved feeling my head move up and down as he breathed, in and out, in and out. I could actually lay here forever like this, with my amazing boyfriend, the one I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

'Morning' I jumped and looked at Harry, he was smiling down at me, I smiled back up at him 'sorry I didn't mean to make you jump' I giggled a little and sat up, he sat up to and I cuddled up with him, he switched the TV on, but it was only there for background noise.

'So what are we going to do today?' I was happy staying in bed all day with him, I knew that he'd have thought of something he'd like to do though, he always did.

'How about we go to the cinema, I've not been since you left and the batman film is out' I let out another giggle, Harry, me and the cinema went hand in hand, it had to happen.

'Sounds like a plan to me' I looked at him and he pecked my lips, I placed my head on his shoulders and looked at the TV, that's when I saw it, on the news, the boys. 'Harry look' he was looking out the window until I pointed at the TV.

'Oh my, is that us from yesterday?' he seemed shocked, I was nodding frantically at him, the headline read Boyband McFly rock Peterborough, then get signed it was crazy, everything was going to erupt now, I just knew it.

'Harry this is amazing, its all finally coming true, you've waited so long for this, I'm so happy' I kissed him many times with happiness, I wasn't sure how else to react, they were on TV finally, were they belonged to be, no more rehearsals in garages.

'Ashlee I don't think this weekend could get any better, the crowd yesterday, getting signed, you coming home, now being on TV' he jumped out of bed and started running around the house, I actually had a nutter for a boyfriend okay. Then I heard screams coming from downstairs, I ran down there to see what was going on and Tom, Harry and Dougie were jumping around Lisa's front room with the TV on and them still being on it.

'This is just amazing' I elated as I sat down next to Lisa on the sofa and watched the 3 boys jumping around like lunatics.


I'd been talking to this girl for ages, Grace she was called, she was so interesting, she had so many stories to tell about her life, I loved it.

'So that's how I ended up in Australia, it was such a laugh you know' her smiled, wow, what a smile, she seemed so adventurous, going wherever she could whenever she could, I just wished I could be more like that.

'Look do you want to go get some food, I don't know about you but I'm so hungry' I looked at her, hoping she'd agree, I'd love to take her out and hear more about her life.

'I'd love to, can I just borrow a hoodie or something though?' she asked, I smiled and nodded, getting off the bed to search my room for something for her to wear.

'Here you can wear this one' I threw a blue one at her and she pulled it over her top from last night, I was so glad she'd worn jeans last night that way she just looked casual with a hoodie over it.

'Thank you so much, you little sweetie' I felt my insides move when she called me a cutie, I was us to compliments but from someone like her it felt, I don't know, just different.

'Right, so where would you like to go for some food then?' I asked her, she got up off the bed and looked out the window.

'Just a little cafe would be fine with me' down to earth kind of girl, I liked that, I liked that a lot, I began to walk out of the room and head down the stairs, she followed behind me, how amazing she was.

'C'mon then lets go' I wondered off down the street, her next to me, 'so where else have you explored then?' I wanted to know more about her, I felt like I needed to know more about her, I really did.

'Well I went to South Africa when I was at school, it was all apart of going out there and helping them with houses and stuff like that' wow, charitable, she was awesome, such a kind generous person.

Carys' POV

I'd just popped in my house, needed to freshen up, get changed and sort my face out before going bowling with Aston, oh I was going out with Aston and Marvin with my best friend, god I never believed this could happen, I never thought I'd get the guy.

'Carys, where are you off to?' mum asked as I reached the bottom of the stairs in today's fresh new outift.

'Just off out with Katy that's all' I replied, she gave me the evil eye, she must've known I was lying to her, I mean the big black car outside gave it away that it wasn't Katy.

'Don't you lie to me, that car there is not Katy's' damn it I was rumbled, now what was I going to say, the truth was usually the best way.

'Technically I'm not lying, I'm meeting her at bowling, but I'm going with Aston' mum's jaw dropped as I said the name, ha, she was so funny at times.

'Is that where you were last night?' I nodded at her and then headed out the door before she could ask me any more questions, seriously when she wanted to go she could really go, I didn't need that right now. I jumped in the car.

'Go Aston, quickly, before she comes out' he smiled and we zoomed off in his car, I watched him as he drove, he had such a cute driving face, I just wanted to sit in the car next to him forever, taking in his scent, his cologne was amazing, such a sweet smell.

'You ready for this, its going to get hectic' he warned me as we pulled in to the car park, I looked around, no-one was here so what was he talking about, unless he was trying to big his bowling up.

'You that good at bowling then?' I seemed shocked and he sat staring at me seriously, it was hilarious, I burst in to fits of laughter and he shook his head at me.

'Seriously you are so not funny' he pushed his hand over near my face and I laughed so much more, what was that really, I looked around the car park hoping to see Katy here but then again I had no clue what car Marvin was driving. My phone buzzed, it was a message from Katy. We'll be a bit late, shits kicking off in my house thanks to my brother. I sighed and looked at Aston.

'We may as well go in, they're going to be late, reckon you can beat me at a game?' he smirked at me, nodding frantically, I was far too good at bowling to be beaten, I could not let Aston beat me, it'd make his head so much bigger than it already was. We got out the car, still no-one about, thank goodness for that.

'Game on' he told me, taking my hand, leading me in to the building, oh yeah, it was certainly game on all right. We got out lane and I chucked my shoes on, I began flexing around to warm up, hoping I could psych him out.

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