Chapter 12

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Katy's POV

my eyes opened to a room I didn't recognise, then I looked next to me and yesterday rushed back to my memory, I had gone out with JLS last night, yes me, out with JLS. Then of course I'd ended up going back with them, as had Carys, I looked next to me again and this time Marvin's eyes were staring back at me, oh my, thank goodness I was still fully clothed, I'd not let myself go.

'Morning gorgeous' was he talking to me or had he seen himself in the mirror or what. I smiled though as he reached out to touch my face, how could you not smile, laying in the same bed as Marvin Humes, him calling you gorgeous and touching your face, amazing.

'Morning' I beamed back at him as he moved in fro a kiss, when our lips touched my mouth tingled and my eyes stayed closed, it felt good, completely.

'Fancy going out and getting some breakfast?' he asked me, of course I did, but I didn't want to go back out in the clothes that I was in from last night, it wasn't my style.

'How about I go home get changed and meet you there?' I asked him, hoping he'd agree, I needed to get fresh before I went out in public again.

'Or I could drop you off at yours and just wait outside and then we could go' I blushed, my parents would wonder what was going on if he pulled up outside my house, but hey you only live once right.

'Deal' I smiled and he smiled, god this was like some sort of dream, I never thought I'd ever get so close to Marvin, let alone him want to take me for breakfast. I got up out of bed and searched for my top on the floor, he'd also got up and was stood holding my top and my skirt, a smirk was on his face, oh what was his game, he threw my skirt at me but kept hold of my top. 'C'mon give that back, I need it so I can go home' but he still kept hold of it, I jumped on the bed but he moved just as I jumped down on his side.

'You got to get it if you want it' great he was playing games with me know, what was I going to do, I simply picked up a tee I found on the floor and put it on.

'Keep it, I'll wear this then' I poked my tongue out and his smirk disappeared, he sat down on the bed and I sat down next to him. He put his arm around me, pulling me in to him, holding me tight, gosh this really did feel like a fantasy.

Tom's POV

I woke up laying next to Danny, eww, not the face I really wanted to see in the morning, I'd obviously just crashed out after yesterday. Seriously what an amazing day it was yesterday.

'Morning' his face was suddenly right in mine, I was guessing he was excited about what was happening today. I got up out of the bed, pushing him away from me.

'Dude I'm taking Emmy out today' he elated at me, I shook my head, I knew it was all I was going to hear about until he actually went to go pick her up, I knew exactly what was going on and I was fed up of hearing him talking about it. Don't get me wrong, I was happy it'd finally happened, but I didn't need to know everything he had planned for the day.

'I know, now shut up' I slammed the door behind me, I wished I was seeing Nat today, but we hadn't planned to meet for a couple of days, so to tell you the truth, I was jealous of him for being able to get to see her again so quickly. I sulked back to my room, seriously what was I going to do today, I had to avoid the excitable Danny, Harry and Ashlee would be too busy with each other after all that time they'd spent apart, that left Dougie, yes lets go see what Dougie had planned for the day. I knocked on his door, no answer, I knocked again, still no answer, then I heard it, a huge snore came ripping from his room. Great he was still asleep, so I now needed to find something to do until he woke up again. I walked down the stairs to be greeted by Lisa, that was a good idea, I could spend some time with Lisa.

'Morning' I sat at the table and she joined me, she'd made toast this morning, she was actually a diamond at stuff like this, she looked after us so well.

'Morning' she smiled back at me as she took a piece of toast.

'Can we hang today, I don't think I can cope being around anyone else apart from you and Dougie, them all being loved up and that' she smiled and nodded, I was pretty grateful she was around really.

Aston's POV

I couldn't believe it, I'd woke up with the most amazing girl next to me this morning, she wasn't embarrassed to banter either, which was always good, considering I was in a band with 3 other guys, they needed banter okay.

'So what are your plans today?' I asked her, she took a sip of her juice and smiled at me, why was she leaving it so long to tell me.

'Well..' god seriously just fucking tell me woman 'I haven't got any plans, what are you up to today?' she finally told me, okay now time to think of good we both could do.

'Well I was thinking of taking this awesome girl I met last night out bowling' her eyes perked up at me, right she must've liked the sound of that, what next 'then I want to take her out for an Italian meal, then back to mine' she was still smiling, but it had widened as I spoke about my plans for the day.

'Well you'd best go ask her then hadn't you' she ate some cereal as she looked around the room, trying her best not to look at me, I wanted her to though, my smile was just out of this world.

'Carys will you join me bowling?' I asked her, she was nodding at me, yes, fucking awesome, today was going to be just as good as yesterday okay.

'I would love to, but please can I go home and get changed?' I nodded, of course she could do what she liked, I was just so glad that she'd agreed, 'what do you think Marvin and Katy will be doing?' she asked, was that a suggestion of double dating, god that sounded good to me.

'I like your thinking redy' I smirked at her, giving her nick names already aye, what was I doing, falling hard for her, that's what I was doing, Aston, come on.

'I'll go ask her then' she got up and went up the stairs, as soon as I heard the creak I fist pumped the air, I was going on a date with a fucking stunner, bowling of all things too, I was fucking awesome at bowling, plus I could flex my muscles while doing it, Aston you had the best fucking ideas ever okay. I walked up to my room and heard squealing coming from where Marvin was sleeping, they'd obviously agreed on coming out with us today. I laid on my bed, smirking, I was feeling so good, happy, amazing, everything to do with good feelings I was feeling right now okay.

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