Chapter 15

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Dougie's POV

I was waiting for a reply from Ashley, I got all excited when she text me, then Harry rushed in and showed us what was on the TV, that was pretty awesome, seeing us at yesterday's gig rocking around. I went pretty mental when I saw that, to finally see myself on the TV, it was something I'd only ever dreamed off, I felt sorry for Lisa and Ashlee, they had to put up with 3 of us screaming and jumping around like lunatics.

'I can't believe we were just on TV' Tom was dancing around the room, full of the joys, a difference from what he was literally minutes before that.

'Hopefully its something you'll be getting us to' Lisa said and I nodding frantically, although I don't think I'd ever get us to seeing my mug appear on a screen, it was something I wished would happen though.

'As long as they don't show too much of the others I'm fine with it' I joked before I felt myself being pushed from side to side by both Tom and Harry.

'Will you ever learn to say these things when they aren't close to you' Lisa laughed at me, oh great, now she was joining in picking on me, that was great.

'I didn't think they'd hear me, most of the time they don't' I waited a second before jumping in front and they ended up in a heap on the floor, I winked at Lisa, who sat there laughing harder as they pushed each other around so they could get up. My phone buzzed. 'I'm off, later alligator' with that I rushed out of the house, I had no clue where I was going but I didn't want to sit in the house texting Ashley, I wanted to be out texting her instead. As I read what she put the smile disappeared, was I really going to do this, I'd only just got out of a bad relationship, could she really be better for me than just being on my own right now. I sat down on a bench at the local park and thought about it for a while, I decided a few harmless texts wouldn't do anything. Then I heard people screaming my name, I looked up and didn't recognise anyone, they were running towards me, I literally jumped up from my seat and started running back through the park, then people started coming at me from the way I was running, they had cameras and paper, uh oh.

Katy's POV

My mum was shouting at me, saying how foolish I was to go out with JLS last night, even more cross about the fact I'd lied about where I slept last night, what did she think I was, a slapper or something, yes I was in his tee, doesn't mean I slept with him.

'Mum nothing happened, we were both clothed the whole time, jesus I'm going' I stamped my way up the stairs, I wasn't having this, it wasn't fair, I had actually done nothing wrong apart from not telling her I'd stayed at a different house.

'Come back down here Katy' my mum called, I slammed my door, I wasn't having this, I was old enough to make my own decisions, I was over 18, I could do as I pleased if I wanted too. I pulled clothes from my wardrobe, ramming them in to a bag, I wasn't coming back here again tonight, I'd stay with Carys. I picked out what I was going to wear for the day and disappeared off in to the bathroom to freshen up, I was so angry. I got back in to my room and looked out my window, I saw his car and smiled, I wasn't sure he knew what he was letting himself in for, but I didn't care about my parents right now. I stormed back down the stairs with my bag full of clothes, mum was waiting there.

'Bye' I shouted at her as I tried to get round her but she stepped in my way so I couldn't I huffed so loud, why was she doing this, what was she gaining, I wasn't her little girl any more.

'Where do you think you're going?' she asked me, I pointed out the door and she shook her head, sorry but she was not going to stop me.

'I'm going with Marvin to go meet Aston and Carys on a date whether you like it or not' I moved her out of the way and slammed the door behind me, running around the corner and jumping in the car, Marvin looked at me but didn't hesitate get away from there as quickly as possible. My eyes filled with tears, I couldn't stop them from cascading down my face, I never expected her to react like this, never, I didn't understand why. Marvin stopped the car, thankfully far enough away from the house that mum wouldn't know where we'd actually gone.

'Hey come here' he pulled me closely in to his chest as I sat sobbing, tears still streaking down my face, it just upset me that mum had reacted like that 'it'll all be okay, don't worry' his hands brushed my head and shoulders as he tried to sooth me, it worked a little as the tears stopped but I was still sobbing when I finally moved away from him.

'Lets just get going' I shook my head, dried my eyes and smiled at him, forget letting her ruin this, today was going to be good, I had to let myself enjoy it.

Danny's POV

I was just about to pull up outside Emmy's, I took a huge breath in, I felt so nervous, it didn't matter how many times I'd seen her, today was a completely different situation for me. Usually I never felt like this going on a first date, but this was Emmy, this was someone who I'd known for a long time, someone who knew a lot about me. I stopped my car, took in another breathe and go out of my car, I strolled up the path to her house and knocked lightly on the door. It opened and it revealed her, she looked gorgeous, stunning, just so lovely, I was taken by her.

'Can I escort you to my car' I giggled at me as I put my arm out, she placed her arm in mine and I walked her to my car, opening the door for her, today was going to be simply amazing.

'Danny, you look really good' a compliment, that was nice, I started the car and we were off, off on our first date, I was so looking forward to this, but also so nervous about it all.

'Thank you, you looking stunning' I had to tell her, I wanted to touch her right there and then but I knew I couldn't, I had to keep my hands to myself, had to treat her right. I pulled up in the car park, I'd decided to take her out for a lovely meal, a little Chinese, I knew she liked that so it was a good place to take her, we could talk over a chow mein or something.

'Danny I love this place, how did you know?' I smiled at her, as if she didn't know how I knew about it, although I didn't know this was her favourite place to come for it I had to admit, I was glad I'd choose this place.

'Only the best for you Emmy' I told her, truthfully, I wanted to treat her right, give her everything, make up for the fact that I'd left it so long between what had happened and now.

'Danny shut up' I was obviously rambling right now, she started to laugh at me, I shook my head, I must look like such a clown right now.

'Sorry, I'm just kind of nervous sorry' she took my hand and lead me to the entrance, I was so glad it was her I was with right now and not anyone else.

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