Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I'd just seen myself on TV, national TV, how fucking amazing, I'd been jumping around with Dougie and Tom and I finally collapsed on to the floor, I was now exhausted.

'Seriously, that's amazing' Tom collapsed next to me, Dougie had run off after trying to avoid me and Tom by insulting us.

'This really is it, the start of everything we've always wanted' I elated, I was so happy, everything was going perfect, Ashlee was back for good, the band was taking off, I looked around the room, everyone just seemed so happy.

'It is, all the hard work we've put in, its all finally paying off' Tom was next to me, he was looking at the TV, still in amazement I guessed.

'I'm so happy for you guys, its finally all coming together' Lisa was sat shuffling around on her sofa, like she was restless over something.

'Honestly, its like my greatest dreams coming true' Ashlee moved closer to me and beamed right in my face, such an adorable young girl she was, my adorable girl.

'Right I think I may need to go ring my mum, she could be having kittens over this' Tom jumped up and ran off up the stairs.

'I think I better ring my mum, Danny won't know and she'll be feeling exactly the same' Lisa also rushed off to go find her phone and it was once again just me and Ashlee, I pulled her down so she was laying on top of me, she giggled, I smiled and leaned in and kissed her.

'Everything is perfect, well almost, it'd be perfect if you moved in with me' I looked at her face, it was shocked, but then it soon turned in to a smile, was she going to agree, it would actually be the icing on the cake.

'Harry, I would love nothing more' she jumped up and began jumping around the room, I jumped up too and took hold of her arm, pulled her close and embraced her tightly.

Ashley's POV

The smile of my face wasn't going away, Dougie was texting me and he was so cute, telling me about the gig yesterday and afterwards about them being signed, then telling me about how he'd like to go out and chill some time with me, yes, with me.

'Ashley c'mon' Abbie was waiting for me in her car, we'd decided to go shopping, we had nothing else to do so shopping sounded good right now.

'Coming' I called back, placing my phone back in my pocket, things were going just the way I'd always dreamed, but never thought would happen. I jumped in her car and saw her smiling at her phone, what was making her smile. 'Who's that?' I asked, she jumped, like she didn't know I'd got in the car, then blushed at me.

'It's Oristé, it turns out we swapped numbers last night' her smiled was radiant, she was smiling like I'd never seen her smile before, I guess things were looking up for all of us. That's when I remembered leaving Carys and Katy in the club last night, I had to know if there was any gossip.

'You heard from Katy and Carys?' she shook her head, I got my phone out and text Carys I really wanted to know what happened after we left.

'Shopping, lets go' Abbie put her foot down and we were off, I don't think I could be any more excited about going shopping, I did actually want to buy something new for when I saw Dougie again, I know he hadn't seen my wardrobe but it would be nice to wear something new. My phone vibrated in my hand and made me jump, I looked at who it was and smiled when the name Dougie was there. 'Oi you, leave him alone while we're shopping okay' Abbie joked with me, she had a point, I'd been texting him since the moment I received that first one from him this morning.

'Okay let me just text him back' I smiled at her as she pulled in to a car park space, I was beaming as I wrote my text, how could I not really.

'Lets do this' we both got out the car and heading in to the centre, I did not have a clue what I was looking for to buy, so I was glad Abbie was here to help me,

'I really do need an outfit for the next time I see him' I smiled as I thought about it, the next time I see him, Dougie, I was going to see Dougie again, I let out a little squeal and Abbie giggled at me,

Aston's POV

Katy and Marvin had finally arrived so it really was game on, I had to admit Carys was good, she'd beaten me 2-1 in the games we'd played together, I was slightly worried she'd kick my arse at this in front of Marvin, I'd never live it down. I sat down on the chair and took deep breath's, I need to focus, needed to get my head in the game.

'Ast, you're up' Marvin called me, I stood up and shook my body, I was ready, I was going to win, I had to win, I just had to. I picked up my bowling ball, aiming it ready at the pins and let it go, rolling down the middle. I jumped up, strike, good one.

'He is so competitive' I heard Katy say to Carys, of course I was, it was in my nature to win. I sat down, a smirk on my face, my arms resting along the top of the seat, yes I was gloating already.

'Nice on Marvin' I looked down the alley, oh he had to didn't, a strike from him, the game really was on between all 4of us, it was Carys' turn next, she bent to pick her ball up and I grabbed her bottom, yes I was trying to put her off. I was the bowling ball go straight down the alley, a strike, nice one, you're games not working.

'My turn then' Katy picked up her ball, looked up at the board, then threw her ball down, it went slightly of centre, thank goodness she wasn't going to get a strike too, I couldn't cope with competing with them all. Her second ball hit the rest of the pins down, so yet again it was my go, picking my ball up, I jumped, Carys was playing me at my own game, I shook myself and focused once more, I wasn't going to let her win.

'Come on Ast' Marvin told me, I was getting myself ready, then my ball went, I stood tense as it went off course and ended up missing all of the pins, no way, sort it out Ast, come on. I picked up my second ball and threw it straight down, thank goodness it hit all the pins down this time.

'You ready to see how its done' Marvin smirked at me, his ball left his hand and he got the perfect strike.

'Shit' I whispered to myself, this was not good, I needed to win, I watched Carys get ready, she also got the perfect strike, oh god, this was not going well at all.

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