Chapter 4

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Katy's POV

Me and Carys had just got to the shop, the whole way we said nothing to each other, both in shock of what had just taken place, however I did mange to text Ashley about what was going on tomorrow, who was now on her way to come and see us to share in our happiness.

'What did we come to the shop for?' Carys asked, I shrugged, I was as clueless as her after what had gone on, she looked well in thought, I'm not sure if she was thinking about what had happened or why we had come to the shop.

'KATY CARYS' we turned around to see Ashley running along towards us, she had her JLS hoody on and he hair was bouncing up and down as she ran. She was waving her arms frantically as us and I started to giggle.

'Seriously she's a nutter' I said as she finally reached us, she placed her arm on my shoulder to catch her breath, she looked up at me and I laughed even more at her as she pulled her eyes at me, she really was a funny girl at times.

'My mum just doesn't understand what this means to me' she showed me the text I'd sent her, yeah her mum wasn't exactly the best at understanding good news.

'Good thing you got us then isn't it' I felt my excitement coming back again and I just screamed and they screamed with me, it was finally happening, I'm finally meeting the 4 people that have made such a huge difference to my life, well technically I'd already met them but this I would be prepared!!!

Dougie's POV

I sat on my bed, thinking, it'd been a mad kind of day, my emotions were all over the place, happy, sad, excited back to sad and the all over again, like a bloody roller-coaster. Harry had tried to talk to me on the way down but I stuck my ear phones in and pretended I was going to sleep, he soon stopped trying when I stuck my finger up at him though.

'DOUGIE' I heard Lisa calling me this time, I opened the door and she entered in, sat down next to me and placed her arm around me. How was it that girls always seemed to know what to do at the right time, well Lisa did anyway. 'What's wrong Dougie, you've not been right since you got here?' I took in a deep breathe, if I was going to tell anyone it'd be her, so here goes.

'Well no-one else knows the reason why I split from Lucy but she's pregnant and its not my baby' the words rolled off my tongue so easily and for the first time since it happened a tear spilled down my face. Lisa held me tighter and I buried my head in her shoulder, I missed being so close to someone, it'd been ages since I split from her and I'd never been able to get close to any other person, not even my own mum.

'Dougie its okay, none of us are going to judge you, you're a kind hearted person but its a lot to take in and no-one can blame you from walking away from her, she cheated on you and who is to say that it was just the once!' she empathised the part on the end, it was true, she'd lied to me before what was to stop her now, I pulled my head up from Lisa's body, looked her dead in the eye and nodded.

'C'mon I got to get one up on your brother now' I smiled at her, a real smile this time and smirked at me and we headed downstairs, on my way I found some balloons 'water bombs' I whispered to her and we went in to the toilet to start filling them up.

Marvin's POV

I was ready for bed, it had been a long day but as soon as I closed my eyes I saw her face, that girl from earlier, she'd caught my eye so much, she'd practically been on my mind all day. I had Aston to blame for this, why did we all have to go out and see them, I didn't exactly need distracting with such a big gig ahead of us in a few days. I heard a knock at the door, I wasn't quite sure who would be wanting to talk to me at this time of night, then a little head popped round, Aston, who else was going to come in.

'Dude seriously what do you want at this time of night?' I asked, he came and laid on the bed next to me, him and his night chats, he always wanted to chat on nights I just wanted to sleep.

'That girl, I can't stop thinking about her, her hair, her eyes, her body man' I knew what he meant about that girl, only I was thinking about the other girl, I sat nodding at him. 'You're looking at the other girl aren't you?' it was like he was reading my mind, crazy man.

'I can't wait to see them again, least I'll look half decent when I see her this time, why did you not warn me how good looking they were' I punched his arm and he punched me back. 'Don't start this one you'll lose' I punched him back and he continued, that was it, I gripped his head in my arm and started to brush my knuckles over his head, he started squealing so I stopped, it was late at night and we were in his house.

'You fight like a girl' he told me, that was it, I wasn't having that from him, I was the master of play fighting and he was going down!

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