Chapter 24

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Nat's POV

Tom was far too kind to me, it was lovely but I still wasn't use to hearing nice things like that, he kept making me blush everytime he spoke kindly to me. We were just walking along, I was itching to hold his hand, but I very much doubted it was a good thing.

'Anywhere in particular you wanted to walk?' I asked him, he'd suggested we went, I was glad he was, sitting with him was good but it was clouding over and I didn't think it would be long before it rained.

'Do you fancy going to have a coffee?' he asked, he looked up at the sky, obviously sensing the impending rain, I nodded, coffee and spendinhg time with Tom, brilliant.

'Lets go' I smiled, then he took my hand, oh my, HE TOOK MY HAND, I felt the butterflies inside of me, they were going insane over his touch.

'Nat you have a beautiful smile' I felt my cheeks flush again, this guy was doing things to me, things that no-one ever made happen to me, no-ones words usually caused me to blush this much.

'Tom, please, save some of this for tomorrow' I winked at him, if he told me all this today, what would he be telling me tomorrow.

'Sorry Nat, I just can't help myself' this time he blushed, he looked cute when he blushed, very cute in fact. I looked around, we'd obviously walked faster than I thought when we approached the town cenrtre, I could see the coffee shop, it had a few people outside it, I was confused, they seemed to just be staring inside of it. The closer we got the more confused I got.

'What is going on' we stopped outside the coffee shop, looking inside, then I saw it, Oristé was in there, as was Dougie, now it all made sense, we quickly dived in and sat down with Dougie.

'Hey guys' Tom smiled at them all, I had no idea who the girls were, they sat there smiling at me though, so I returned the favour. 'You remember Nat don't you Doug' he nodded at us.

'Ashley and Abbie' he introduced us to the girls, right okay so I knew their names now.

'Lets go get a drink' Tom suggested, I nodded, a little too hastily and we left them again, I felt rather self conscious with the girls that were standing at the window, it was weird how they just stood there watching inside at what was going on.

Katy's POV

So Carys had agreed to come to London, I wasn't sure how long I'd stay, but it would still be nice to get away for a few days, after thinking about it, I could see why he'd asked, after what happened at home this morning, but it wasn't like I couldn't have stayed with Carys for a few days. However without all that I felt happy that he'd asked, that he'd thought about me, when he first asked I was shocked I guess, I wasn't expecting it, but the more I thought about it, the more I calmed and warmed to the idea.

'So when is it that you go back?' I needed to know, I'd have to go back home at some point and I knew my parents would be out all day in a couple of days so hopefully it'd be then.

'We have to go back in 3 days' releif washed over me, that meant I could go home when I wanted, not when I needed, Just as Aston went to say something our meals turned up, I watched him as he bounced around in his chair, obviously very excited for his chicken.

'Now where shall we go?' we'd finished our food and once more were told we would not be paying. I thought for a minute, I just wanted to go somewhere to chill, away from anyone that could see me.

'We could go back to mine' Aston suggested, yes, that sounded like a good idea, away from everyone else in the world, somewhere we could just sit around and have a laugh.

'That sounds like a good idea to me' I looked at them all, Marvin nodded and smiled, taking my hand once more, leading me to the car, he was such a gentleman.

'What are we going to do at your house?' Carys asked as we climbed in to the car, if I was honest I didn't really care what we did, just being there would be good enough for me. I waited for someone to suggest something but silence was all that came. I sat thinking for a while about what we could do.

'Bouncy castle is still at mine' Aston screamed, making us all jump, a bouncy castle, of course, that was what we noticed as we walked past his house the other day.

'BBQ' Marvin added, more food, was he joking, he'd just eaten about 5 courses, how could he want more food 'we can have one tonight' I relaxed, tonight, yes tonight we could have one, that sounded better.

'I'll send mum out for food and I'll let the others know plans' Aston sat in the back, wriggling around, Carys sat next to him, looking strangely.

'We can go, we'll be fine' I told him, he shook his head, I wasn't going to argue at all, I didn't really want to go anywhere when we got back.

'Not a chance after earlier' Carys had told him earlier then, fair enough, that was their choice, Marvin was looking at me strangley as he pulled up outside Aston's house, I shook my head and smiled at him, he had nothing to worry about.

'LET'S GO' Aston screamed and leaped out of the car closely followed by Carys, I felt a hand on my arm as I went to get out and stopped, looking at Marvin

Danny's POV

She'd worked out that I'd been planning this for a while, luckily she'd said yes yesterday, but of course I'd planned it well, I wanted, no, needed this to go right so it took serious planning.

'Danny your ice cream is melting' I looked down in front of me, I was in a daydream thinking about our next stop, wondering how she'd react to the big finale.

'Here have some' I scooped some up on my spoon and placed it in front of her lips, hoping she'd try some, it was gorgeous, she'd already finished her own, eating like she'd never eaten before.

'Danny that's lovely' she smiled as she took the spoon out of her mouth, I looked at her lips, I couldn't help myself, they looked very soft, soft enough to kiss, I leaned towards her and placed my own lips softly on to hers, they were cold from the ice cream but they felt as soft as they looked.

'Time for the finale baby' I winked at her as I pushed her away, I could feel my stomach turning inside as I thought about what she'd think, how she'd react to it, I wasn't sure if she'd like it or not, but it was the only way I wanted this to end. When we got outside it was dark, this is what I'd planned, going out in the dark for this.

'I take it I'm not allowed to know what you've got planned' Emmy asked, I could sense some hope in her voice but I shook my head, no way was I going to tell her what I had planned.

'Of course not, its took a lot of planning this last thing, its going to be a surprise' I told her as I took her hand to walk to the car. It wouldn't take us long to get there.

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