chapter 2

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Cary's POV

I'd just been whistled and waved at by Aston from JLS, that was absolutely nuts, he waved at me too, well us, me and Katy were out in our JLS hoodies just on the way to the shop, I never knew he lived so close to me either, I was in total shock. I was just stood there, I was looking at Katy and her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear her, it was like nothing was working. Katy began pointing down the street but my head and body wouldn't even move, then I saw them stood next to us, JLS had come to us, this was not happening.

'Hello girls' Aston looked at me in my blue hoody, I could feel my heart beating at a ridiculous rate as I just stared at them standing right next to us, it was one of my dreams to meet them and even though I lived in Aston's home town I never believed it would happen.

'Ummm, hello' Katy replied, I wondered if she felt like I did, who was I kidding, she loved them just as much as I did, of course he would be feeling the same as me, at least she managed to talk to them, I was still stuck in my own little world.

'Are you girls coming to see us by any chance?' Marvin asked, I knew Katy wouldn't be able to talk now, Marvin's voice sent shivers down her spine, I cleared my throat finally being able to do something. This of course made them all look at me and my cheeks flustered up.

'Yes we are coming tomorrow, we wouldn't miss it for anything' I blurted out to them, the words literally raced off my mouth I was that nervous, this was so unlike me, I never got nervous about anything.

'Fancy coming backstage with us?' Aston asked, my legs felt like jelly but somehow I managed to still stand up, of course I wanted to go backstage with them.

'We would love nothing better' Katy's voice had come back now luckily because mine had decided to get locked in its hole again.

'Right give us your names and we'll put you on guest list' JB told us, we looked at each other for a second and smirked a little.

'Can we bring our 2 friends as well?' Katy asked, they smiled and nodded at us, so Katy continued to tell them all 4 names while I still stood there stuck on to the spot, no voice, no nothing.

Danny's POV

I was getting so many tweets through on my phone as we drove the long road to Peterborough, all from fans wanting to meet us outside, it was nice getting all these tweets and we never turned down a fan when they wanted to see us, they were the reason we were doing this.

'My phone's going mental for new tweets' Harry told me as he looked down at his twitter page, I nodded at him as yet more tweets came through, then her tweet appeared, the one person I really wanted to see again, she tried to come to as many gigs as possible, seeing her face in the crowd definitely made the gig a lot easier to play, she'd been there from the start as well and the more she'd been around the more my feelings for her grew.

'Guys we are nearly at Lisa's house' Tom told us from the driver's seat, I had to tweet her quickly @elbuchan of course we want to see you, we always need to see you before a gig I tweeted her before putting my phone away getting ready to arrive at my sister's house, she lived in the town so we would be staying there before sound check and the gig and it'd be good to spend a few days with her, we'd been so busy in the studio over the past few weeks that I hadn't been up to see her for a while.

'DANNY' I head my sister shout at Tom stopped outside her house, I jumped so quickly out the van that I fell flat on my face outside her house, typical it'd happen to me, the others sat in the van laughing their heads off at me. Lisa helped my up, luckily I hadn't hit my face before the next few days, first impressions and all that.

Ashley's POV

I sat in my room on my computer, tweeting the hell out of McFly, I was going to their gig in two days and had to make sure I'd be able to meet them. Then Harry tweeted me back saying that they'd be there early and I'd be able to meet them, I felt my heart skip a beat, I'd finally be able to meet one of the best bands I'd ever been introduced too. Then my phone buzzed, a text from Katy, my phone left my hand as I read what she'd put, backstage at JLS no way, I don't think today could get any better, lets be honest, a tweet from Harry about finally meeting them, a text from Katy going backstage at the same gig, no it was definitely the best day, well until Friday of course. I finally managed to pick my phone up and text Katy back, I had to run downstairs to mum and tell her my good news, truth be told it wasn't the reaction I was looking for so I decided I was going to find Katy so that we could both go crazy together about it.

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