Chapter 11

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I jumped up in bed, I heard a thud, I looked around the room but no-one was in there, I looked to my left, oh my days, I saw a body wrapped up in the covers, I looked at the floor, thank goodness we both still had our clothes on.

'Morning' I heard the girls voice speak to me before she pulled the covers down revealing her beautiful face, her long wavy blonde hair and the most gorgeous smile.

'Morning' I replied as I sat up and stretched my arms, flexing my muscles at her, why the hell was I acting like some sort of sexual predator over her.

'Can I get some water?' she asked, her smile was just so lovely, I nodded and headed down to the kitchen.

'Morning' Aston was basically singing at me as I walked in, I noticed Carys sat at the table, she was smiling from ear to ear, whatever went on last night, I never wanted to know.

'Good night' I asked, Aston smirked before he sat down next to Carys, placing the toast in front of her.

'Yeah I fell asleep curled in a drunk guys arms, what better way to spend your night' I looked at Aston who was still smiling, what a gent he was aye.

'Yeah I had an amazing night too, chatting drunken ramblings' Aston smirked at her and they both laughed at me, I had no idea what they found funny, to be honest I couldn't remember anything from last night.

'How's Becca?' Carys asked me, I looked confused, then it clicked, Becca was the girl in my bed.

'Gorgeous and gagging for some water' I replied before I rushed off upstairs back to her, surely I was not that drunk last night.

Emmy's POV

I woke up feeling amazing, today was the day I officially went on my first date with Danny, I'd dreamed of this day for months and now it was finally here. I looked at my phone, 2 texts, one from Danny, one from Nat, I read them both smiling. I had quite a lot to do today before I went out with Danny so I got up out of bed, first, what the hell was I going to wear, I opened my wardrobe. I threw a few things on my bed, a smart red little dress, a nice pink crop top and skinny jeans and a casual style pink dress, what was I going to wear.

'Emmy' my head whipped to my door and Nat was standing there looking at me, just the girl I needed right now.

'Perfect timing' I ushered her to come over towards me and showed her what I had laid out on the bed, she shook her head and looked through my wardrobe, obviously deciding I needed something else.

'This is perfect with those' she held up a short floaty top with a big flower in the middle of the it while pointing at my skinny jeans. I liked it, nice and casual, its not like I needed to make a good first impression really since Danny had known me for ages.

'What would I do without you' I exclaimed at Nat as I chucked the other stuff back in the wardrobe and began thinking what to do with my hair, I could either curl it and make it wavy around the bottom or have it straight, I had not a clue which to do.

'Wavy hair too' I smirked, read my mind like she always did, it was crazy how in sync with this girl I was 'then I'll sort your face for you' she poked her tongue out, I went to the bathroom and got changed in to my clothes, long in the long length mirror in my mum's room and smiled, I quite liked today's outfit.

'Yes I like it' Nat smiled as I entered the room, I sat down on the seat, she'd already got out the make up she was going to put on my face so I just sat there and let her get on with it.

Ashley's POV

I sat up, yawning as I did, yesterday had really taken everything out of me, it had been however the best day of my life ever, after the gig I went out and got drunk with JLS, I got home around 6 ish this morning. I looked down at my floor Abbie was down there snoring at me, she'd got off with Oritsé last night, lucky cow, me I'd just longed after Dougie since I'd met him, but I doubted that was ever going to happen.

'Morning' I screamed in Abbie's face as she jolted up from her sleep, she looked at me before laying her head back down on the pillow.

'What is your problem' she asked me as she looked back up at me, a smile on her face and her hands in the air, like she was trying to be serious but couldn't.

'You're snoring woke me up bitch' I told her sitting up on my bed, a lie of course, but she didn't need to know that.

'Sorry girl, its a face of life though, only the awesome people snore' we both burst out laughing at what she'd said, she always came up with the most random things ever, that's why we loved her so much. 'I got something for you, did you know that' she was seriously smiling at me, I was worried, she only ever smiled like that when it was something she knew was going to make a difference to someone. She passed me this piece of paper, I opened it slowly, a squeal left my mouth.

'OH MY GOSH, DOUGIE'S NUMBER' my eyes were simpllu fixated on the numbers on the piece of paper I was holding 'when did you get this?' I had to ask, what if it had come from one his friends and not him, oh god, Ash calm yourself down.

'I got it yesterday when you went to the toilet before the gig' she told me, my breathing was getting deeper and deeper as I began to wonder 'he gave it to me and told me to give it to you the next day and that you should text him' another squeal left my lips and I began searching the room for my phone, who knows where I threw it when I got home last night, my floor was covered in rubbish and clothes began flying everywhere as I finally found it, laying on my bedside table, what an idiot. I sat back down on my bed, oh what to text him, then it came to my head and before I knew it I had pressed the send button.

'That didn't take you long' Abbie was looked at me, I agreed, oh gosh had I been too hasty to text him, looked desperate or eager.

'Just to wait for a reply' I sighed a little, I wasn't sure how I would react if he replied, the my heart skipped, my phone had vibrated.

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