Chapter 19

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Nat's POV

I'd been sat for ages in the park just talking with Lucy, I'd told her everything about what happened yesterday, you know, how he'd not exactly been shy about saying I put him off and how he had made it up to me. It sort of made me feel warm inside, but now I was missing him and I wanted tomorrow to come so quickly.

'Nat, look' Lucy was pointing to the other side of the park, I looked over, I couldn't make out who she was pointing at really so I just looked back at me feet. 'Nat, Tom' she pointed over again, my head snapped up as soon as I heard her mention his name, oh my, there he was, walking along, maybe I didn't have to wait until tomorrow to see him.

'TOM' I called, his head snapped my way, I jumped up off the swing and my feet just ran for him, it wasn't long until our bodies collided and we ended up in a heap on the floor, he'd ran towards me as well, I just laid there giggling away.

'Nat its awesome to see you again' he'd sat up and was looking at me, I could see a huge smile on his face, my face was exactly the same.

'Its not like its forever we had to wait, we were going out tomorrow' I told him, although I was ecstatic that I'd seen him because tomorrow felt like such a long way away.

'I know but it's nice to see you again' his smile had faded a little after I'd said that, I lifted his face up and made sure I was smiling, he was smiling back at me.

'Its nicer to see you again though' his smile widened as I said it, glad I'd made him produce that smile, I looked at the swings, Lucy had gone, she didn't even come say bye, but right now, to be honest, it wasn't bothering me too much because I was with him.

'So I was thinking tomorrow, maybe we could go karting or something, does that sound okay?' karting, I'd never really been karting before, so it sounded like a really good idea, I sat there nodding.

'Karting sounds amazing' I told him, his smile once again widened, I felt really warm inside, just being in his company was amazing right now.

Marvin's POV

 Bowling was over, finally, it had got pretty heated really, Aston was so competitive, as was I, but he was going pretty crazy near the end, that was until Carys chilled him out.

'Right, what's next on the agenda then?' Katy was looking at me, hands on hips, ready to be told what we were doing next, I didn't really know,  I was kind of thinking of just going back and chilling out really.

'Well I was thinking of going to get some food' I rubbed my belly, I felt rather hungry right now, I didn't know about them, but I needed food.

'After them you mean' Oritsé's finger pointed to the windows, I could see the fans waiting outside, there was loads of them, I nodded after them.

'Right you 2 go get in the car' Aston threw his keys at the girls, they nodded, I could see panic on their faces.

'I'll get security to walk you there' I put my arm around Katy's shoulder, I felt her relax as I did this, you never knew what fans could be like really.

'Lets go' Carys took Katy's hand and walked towards the exit, I was sure they'd be okay but I'd rather be safe than sorry, all it took was one person really.

'C'mon lets go see our loving fans' Oristé smiled at me, I walked behind him, Aston following along like a little kid, I loved meeting the fans, they were always so lovely.

'I'm excited' Aston jumped along, I could hear screaming, I looked at the window and he stood there jumping along it.

Dougie's POV

I decided to go in to town, I was so bored, no-one was doing anything back at Lisa's so a walk around a few shops would do me good. I ventured off the bus and in to the town centre, I had no clue where I was going, I just wanted to wander about really, I looked down as I walked along, I always did, and I usually ended up bumping in to something.

'Ouch' okay today was no exception, but this time is was someone, instead of something. I looked up at the poor person I'd just walked in to, only for a smile to creep across my face, I'd only walked in to Ashley, my body was screaming with excited right now.

'You really need to look where you're going you know' she joked with me, I laughed a little, I was always telling myself that, but I never learnt, I had bruises all over my body from the things I'd walked in to.

'I can't help that my feet aare attractive can I' I heard her giggle as I looked down at my feet again, I was so glad I'd made that decision to come in to town, bumping in to her wasn't the best way of seeing her again I had to admit but still I'd gotten to see her.

'Do you fancy coming around with me and Abbie of do you have plans?' I looked how up front she was about asking me, of course I had no plans, of course I wanted to spend time with her.

'I'd love to, if that's okay with Abbie of course' I looked at Abbie, I didn't want to invade on girlie time, she nodded at me, yay, okay today was turning out in to such an amazing time.

'DOUGIE' I heard screaming but I did not recognise that voice, I turned to where the voice came from, I saw a group of 3 girls running towards me, why the hell were girls running towards me, it made no sense. They finally reached me and I just stared at this in confusion. 'Can we get your autograph and a photo please' they begged me, why the hell did they want that. 'We saw you on TV earlier' now it all clicked in to place.

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