Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I stretched my body all over my bed, trying to get a better position to continue my sleeping ventures. I patted my pillow and snuggled more into it but seems like it's useless to try any tactics now. I yawned widely and took a sharp intake of some fresh air. I opened my eyes slowly as the sun tried to peek into my room through the blinds. I lazily got up and rolled up the blinds and smiled as the sunlight made its way in my room. I looked at the sun and closed my eyes. I took a long deep breath, trying to seek some warmth and energy from the Sun but then the faint buzzing of alarm reached my ears and I looked behind. Walking up to my bed, I grabbed my alarm clock and switched it off.

5.00 A.M

"Congratulations Katie, you once again defeated your alarm clock."

I smiled at myself and keeping the clock back on my nightstand, I headed towards to begin my day. It's my habit, which I acquired after living in boarding schools for all my life and that was to wake up at sharp 5 in the morning. No matter what the conditions are, how late I slept, how sick I am, I know I will automatically wake up at 5. It's like there is an alarm clock fit inside my system which wakes me up so early every day, even without a clock.

I headed towards the washroom and quickly started with my chores. I want to make breakfast for Mary today, it's her birthday and I want to give her a little surprise by cooking breakfast for her. She does so much for me and the least I could do is to help her. I picked up my toothbrush and squeezing the ample amount of toothpaste out from the tube I began brushing my teeth, thinking all the possible dishes I could cook for Mary today. Once I was done, I brushed my hair and tied them up in a bun. Making sure I look decent enough in the mirror, I hurried my way downstairs towards the kitchen, taking as slow and feather-like steps as possible. I don't want to alert Mary with my footsteps but all my efforts went in vain the moment I reached the kitchen.

"Good Morning Katherine." Mary wished me while taking out something from the fridge.

"What are you doing here Mary?" I asked in disbelief.

"What I always do. Making us breakfast. But why didn't you take a shower?" She questioned me while coming back to the kitchen aisle and looking up at me. She doesn't like when I roam in the house without taking a proper timely bath. It's 'unlady like' according to her and she is definitely strict with her rules.

"But I wanted to cook for you." I whined, stomping on my foot and she looked up.

"And why?"

"It's your birthday..." She shook her head disapprovingly and interjected me.

"Katherine, it's okay. You don't have to do anything like that. You just go and take a proper bath first."

"You make me feel like a guest Mary..." I said and she looked up at me again but this time her eyes look guilty.

"You are not a guest here, it's your home." She said and I sighed.

"But I don't feel like it. You never let me do anything. You cook for us, do my laundry, clean the house, the garden, every single thing in this house, you do on your own. You don't let me do anything, Mary. How am I supposed to feel at home?" I said with a hint of sadness which was overtaking my voice.

"It's not like that Katherine...I don't want to trouble you. You have your college and then you work" She said dropping everything she was doing and coming towards me.

"And what about you? It's your 55th birthday. No one is supposed to be working at this age." I said and she sighed.

"Fine...make sure you don't serve me burned breakfast on my birthday or worse end up hurting yourself." She said and walked out of the kitchen without saying anything and I jumped in happiness. Knowing, she never likes seeing me sad and would do anything to make me happy, I played the sad card unintentionally and it worked well.

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