Chapter 20

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I was in my room spending time with myself when there a soft knock on my door and I knew who it was.

"Come in Sebastian." I said and he poked his head in like he usually does and grinned.

"What were you doing?" He asked walking in.

"Nothing...just..." I left my sentence incomplete and shrugged. He gave me a small smile and sat my bed.

"Look we made it to Business Magazine's cover." He said showing me a magazine and I was surprised to see myself on it holding Sebastian's hand. The picture was of our wedding when we were announced married and after the kiss, we walked down together holding hands to meet everyone. We both were smiling and looked happy and no part of this picture could say it was a picture taken of a 'fake marriage'. I must say that the photographer and PR are doing a great job.

"It's good...I guess."

"It's great. Things are exactly working out the way we wanted. " He said with a great grin plastered on his lips and I gave him a small feeble smile but then suddenly his smile dropped.

"You must be getting bored...aren't you?"

"YYeah....U am mean no..I am fine." I stuttered and he bobbed his head in understanding.

"You want something?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I just came to see you." He told me and I nodded.


"Sebastian." We both said at the same time and looking at each other and smiled.

"You say it first." I said and he shook his head.

"No ladies first."

"I...I just want to say sorry...I should have not told anyone about our secret."

"No Kate...I am sorry...I shouldn't' have talked to you in that way."

" don't have to be sorry...It was my mistake and I should be the one apologizing...and Sebastian trust me, it won't happen again." I rambled my thoughts I had been thinking endlessly from a while.

"It wasn't your fault Kate...I know the people close to you will doubt this, yet I lashed out on you for no reason." He said and I looked down in my laps.

"I shouldn't have said that...I am sorry. Nicole wasn't happy that I was leaving as I promised her yesterday's lunch. We had a fight again and I lashed out on you." He explained and I nodded in understanding.

"I am sorry you both fought again because of me."

"No she needs to understand I can't be with her all time now...and you don't worry...we'll be fine again." He said and I thought of explaining my part to Sebastian. "Chloe and Hayden weren't buying our story and ultimately the truth came out."

"I I told Nicole about it you need to tell Hayden about it and I hope everything is alright between you all." He said and I frowned at his comparison.

"Chloe did understand but she is still upset that I didn't make her my maid of honor." I said and he chortled. "Whereas Hayden...Hayden hadn't talked to me yet after that...he said he needs some time." I said once again feeling bad because I made him upset.

"If you want I can talk to him. I can tell him what this is all about." He offered and I looked at him.

"No...he'll be fine. I know." I assured him and looking at me he smiled.

"Nicole too wasn't very pleased with the idea of me marrying I guess, I can understand."

"They are my best friend and pillars. They had been with me, supporting me all my life and I know they will support me in this as well even though they are not happy with it." He nodded this time.

"But if you want I can explain them."

"It's fine Sebastian, don't worry." Albeit saying it, I was worried about this whole thing.

"I am really sorry for blurting out those things. I don't know what I speak when I am angry." He said and I merely bobbled my head.

"I don't know why after the whole marriage Nicole has suddenly started acting so possessive. She just wants me to be with her and that's not possible. Whole media's attention is on us and I can't afford to look like a cheating husband in the eyes of media."

"Give her some time...maybe that's the right thing."

"Just like you are giving Hayden?" He asked and I smiled.

"Make her understand it's just for some time..assure her you'll always be hers." I said and he grinned.

"That I am." I smiled meekly. Hoping somehow I can make Hayden understand this situation too. "But I was really rude to you...I shouldn't have said all that are the one helping me in all this and here I am acting like an idiot." He blabbered and I smiled.

"It's alright."

"No it's not...tell me what should I do to earn my apologizes." He asked persistently.

"You don't have to do anything Sebastian besides you already apologized for something you hadn't done so you don't have to do anything to earn it."

"You don't like going out for dinners, I can't cook, I don't want you to cook so the only thing left as an option is that I take you shopping. What says?"

"I have everything."

"What about a movie?" He said and took out his phone and began scrolling. "There is this movie I have heard about and I think we should go...together."

"Umm...I don't think so. I don't like movies."

"But why? It's a great way of being spotted together too." He suggested and I shrugged. I am way too occupied figuring out what is going to happen to my and Hayden's friendship and in this mood, I don't think I can go to the movie.

"But I am not in the mood." I told him being truthful.

"Exactly. Your mood is dull and what can be better than a movie? So it's done..I am booking the tickets." He said without leaving the scope for arguments. He booked the tickets and unwillingly I had to go with him to a movie.


It turned out great. I actually had a good time and even I could drag him to the small diner where we had dinner. He was very skeptical about the place and its hygiene but ultimately he gave in to my requests and on our way home he actually told me that he had a good time and well the food, I know he liked it.

It's a little strange to admit but I am actually getting very comfortable around him, as if we had known each other for ages. Everything is settled with Sebastian and he isn't mad at me and now I have one more person to deal with and that's Hayden.

It's was quite late by the time we reached home and I quickly took out my phone to talk to Hayden. I know he said that he needs some time to process everything and a part of thinks, I should be respecting his words but the other and stronger part of me can't bear this silent treatment from him. Keeping my phone back as I couldn't be valiant enough to call him, I went to my bed.

Maybe if not tomorrow then I think he will definitely be calling me on Sunday. Hopefully, if I hadn't pissed him off unduly to not to call me on my birthday for which he was actually more excited than I was.

Next Update- Saturday

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