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I walked through the double doors to a place of hell, also a place I have to call work. I couldn't stand being here aafter yesterday. I feared I would embarrass myself in front of vixen, I didn't know her name, so that's what I called her.

I cleaned the booths and floors, before it was time to open up, and when we did, vixen was the first one to walk in.

I was the only one here at the time, and I couldn't keep her waiting forever. Or could I? "Hello..?" Vixen called out. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I pulled out my pen and pad and walked to her booth.

"Can I take your order?" I asked trying to be polite. "I don't know, can you?" She said crossing her arms. "You didn't need to come here with that bitter shit." I remarked.

"I'm not bitter!" She shouted. "I never said you was, but you sure are acting like it." "No I'm not, I'm just upset."

"That's not my problem." I said walking away. It really wasn't, and I wasn't going to get involved. I looked back at her, she had her head down and fiddled with her fingers. I couldn't bare to see her upset, is this what happens when you love someone?

I didn't know If I loved her, I have never experienced it. But I also didn't like seeing her upset. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting across from her in the booth. "I thought it wasn't your problem?" She asked looking up with red rimmed eyes.

"It's not, but you seem upset and I'm just trying to be nice." She stared at me with those intensive green eyes. She also had tattoos that covered the upper part of her arms and on her thighs, but they complimented her skin.

"What's your name?" I asked. "Lorraine." She smiled.


I sat in my bathroom, on the floor crying, with blood seep out of my arms. I tried to go see my family after work, but all they did was push me away, and I see I'm still not forgiven, nor will I ever be. "Your a sorry excuse of a man!" My mother yelled at me, and that's what she made me feel like.

I was tired of seeing cuts and scars on my arms, tired of being alone, depressed, and feeling like nobody loves me. I didn't want to live anymore. I crawled to my bedroom and reached under my bed to pull out a gun. I cocked it, putting it to my head.

I the put it to my chest, if I shot myself in the head that would have been too brutal. I turned the safety off, putting my finger on trigger. I was about to pull it, but I heard someone knock on the door. I didn't think it was anybody important, no one ever comes by here.

I ignored it, and proceeded to pull it. Whoever it was started to bang on the door, making me even more infuriated. I threw the gun at the wall, and watched drop the floor. I got up, not bothering to clean my cuts.

I looked through the peephole, and saw someone standing there with their head down, I couldn't see who it was. I cracked the door, and she brought her head up, I knew who it was. I notice those green eyes anywhere.



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