Chapter 12: Hidden Messages

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Two weeks later

"Got everything packed hun?" My mom said sitting on my bedroom floor.

I sighed. "I think so." I zipped up my suitcase and sat it up.

"Toothbrush, deodorant, charger, tampons, c-"

"Mom. I'm only gone for 3 days. Chill."

I took my suitcase downstairs.

"MOM", I yelled. "It's 4:43! We gotta be there by 5:30!"

"Alright hun!" my mom said walking downstairs.


"Alright hun. Be safe." my mom said as we got to the security line. She kissed me on the cheek and waved goodbye.

After security check, I texted Chris to see where he was at. We met up at caribou about 4 minutes later. "Got everything?" Chris said.

"Yeeeep." i said, popping the P.

Chris checked in our tickets at the desk of our flight. It was 6:44, and the flight was said to depart at 7:10. "Wanna get something to eat?" Chris said as he made his way back.

"Yeah." we walked to the McDonald's literally 10 yards away. We ordered our food,  got it, and made our way to an empty table. "Shit." Chris said, pulling his black beanie all the way down to his mouth. "What?" i said turning around. Paparazzi. Great. didn't think blondie here would be this famous. "If this gets into the mags, I won't ever hear the end from emily." he muffled under his beanie.

"Why is that?" I said tilting my head.

"All you're gonna see for headlines are 'Chris with a new girl already?" or worse. "Famous vine Chris Collins leaves former actress Emily Anderson for a normal city girl'"

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm not good enough for you? Because I'm normal? I thought famous people like you would want people to look at them as normal. Is there something wrong with normal people? Is-"

"Maddie, you're just attracting more people ..-"

He was right. People were looking at us. But when did I care? I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. "Is there something wrong with dating me? What makes emily better? You know-"

"Christian Collins aboard"

I took my burger and lemonade, and took my ticket to the scanner, leaving Chris behind.


Okay there's a slight chance I forgot I was sitting next to Chris in a two seat row. We were first class, about 3 seats down. I put my suitcase in the compartment and sat in the window seat. Chris followed behind me and sat in the seat next to mine. I plugged in my headphones and looked out the window until it took off.

"Hey Mads I'm sorry." He said putting his arm on my shoulder. I jerked my arm away. "Oh I see, silent treatment?"

"Hello everybody this is your pilot again. We are currently 10,240 feet above ground. You may now use electronic devices."

Oops. I already had my phone on. I turned to see Chris sleeping soundly. I looked down. Phone. His unlocked phone. Ha, learn to put a password on things. I carefully took his phone and put it in front of a book I had, just in case he woke up and would see me on his phone.

Messages. I clicked on Brent's. I scrolled up a bit until I saw my name, I began to read.

B- Why are you still with Emily then bro?

C- I can't leave her dude.

B- Why not

C- What's the point of trying for Maddie if she doesn't even know who I am?

B- Give her time it doesn't take a couple months to remember 17 years of memory

C- See bro I can't wait that long it's pointless .

B- I thought you really liked her

C- I do!

B- Then nothing should get in your way bro

C- Yeah ..

I went to our messages and scrolled all the way up to where we first started talking.

C- Hey. I don't want to sound like a creep but your brother gave me your number and I just want to say that you're really cute.

I smiled really big until I saw Chris's body moving. I quickly put the phone back to where it was and pretended I was reading my book.

"Are we there yet?" Chris asked with a groggy voice.

I just looked at him, and looked away.


I need ideassss . comment please lol but love yaaa

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