5~ Hiding home

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>Red's Pov<

Emma weaved skilfully through the trees, leading us further away from where we were. Every once and a while I saw a wild Pokemon look at us but did not seem fazed by our appearance, in fact they seemed comforted by Emma's precents. Emma looked tence and kept urging us to hurry. She was scared. I could tell that much and... she was still hiding something... I didn't know what but I could tell.

I looked up at Emma, she was standing by a lake, looking slightly unnerved.

"This is the safest and fastest way. I trust you all have a water type?"

We all nodded.

Emma cursed under her breath again as an explosion in the distance rippled though the forest, before she squatted and placed her hand on the water with her eyes closed.

Croa Ze Rei Ze Riou Riou Ze

She stood and waited, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

A Dewgong poked her head above the water.

~Gong?~ She cocked her head at us looking upset by our appearance.

"It's ok Rina, they're my friends. We can trust them with the secret."

The Dewgong nodded and Emma turned to us. "This is Aquarina. She'll lead the way from here. Let out any water type Pokemon you have and jump on."

Sliver let out his Feraligatr and Greninja. I let out my Polliwrath. Destiny her Lapras. Sora her Vaporeon. Rafe used Greninja while Silver used Feraligatr

Once we were all on Aquarina dove under the water followed by the other Pokemon. Emma led the other Pokemon with her water ice type to a hidden tunnel in a seaweed bed and swam through. I noticed Emma had her eyes squeezed shut and she was holding in tightly to her water type Pokemon. Our Pokemon started to lead us up and our heads broke the waters surface to reveal we were in a cave.

Emma jumped off her Pokemon and landed on the ground panting even though we were under the water for less than a minute. She started mumbling about something bitterly but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying.

Aura and Blade came running followed by a small Blitzel, a Deerling and Trixie.

~Lu Lu Cari O?~ Aura asked.

Emma stood up and shrugged. "Not much."

~Thought you didn't want them getting involved?~ Blade pointed at us as we dismounted our Pokemon and returned them.

Emma sighed. "I didn't. Though I didn't really have a choice unless I wanted them to end up like..." Emma cut herself off with a slight cough, then looked at us. "I'm going to lead you out of here tomorrow."

"What!?" We yelled in unisasion.

"Emma we are not going to leave you here on your own." Silver said annoyed

Emma crossed her arms. "Listen, what use is it if you get caught helping me? None. If you really want to help me you'll leave and stop this from the outside rather than just getting caught with me." She half yelled angrily.

She looked at our hurt expressions and sighed and her expression changed from annoyed to sad. "I'm sorry. I'm just... scared right now." She looked at her feet, hugging herself.

Destiny walked forward and brang Emma into a hug. "It's fine Emma, but we're your friends. We'll help you. No matter what, we're here for you."

Emma nodded and returned the hug.

When the two finally released each other Emma looked at all of us and smiled a little.

~Geoto!~ A voice screeched from outside the cave.

Emma tore her gaze away from us and ran to the mouth of the cave as Pidge landed. "What is it!?"

~Pidgeot Pidge Geot Pi.~

Emma turned to Blade and Aura. "Keep them here." She said sternly, pointing to us. "I'm going to go help."

Aura and Blade nodded and Emma jumped on Pidge's back and they flew off.

We went to follow but. Aura stopped us. ~Emma said to keep you here.~ Blade said stopping us.

"Well Emma needs our help and whether she likes it or not we're going to help her." Silver crossed his arms.

Blade shook his head.

"Mama said you have to stay." Trixie said and started bouncing around. "You can play with us." She giggled.

"Who's us?" Rafe asked.

"Me, Dreamer and Petunia."



Sorry there was going to be more but as I said before I didn't really feel like writing today. I wasn't going to write at all but I thought I'd be nice to all the people who DO like my book.

Bye-bye now

SMG out

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