34~ Snow and fire

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>Jupiter's pov< (A/N thought I forgot about her?)

"Jupiter report." My boss said over my phone.

"I've found the girl sir, but she seems to be injured I'm trying to figure the cause now." I said in a monotoned voice while mentally rolling my eyes.

My boss was silent for a moment for a moment I thought he was angry. "Very well. where are you?" He says with out any emotion.

"Just outside Undella town sir." I said.

"Good, keep an eye on her for now."

"Yes sir." I replied and her hung up.

I flipped my phone shut and turned to my monitor which showed the small camp ground where the group was staying. I'd planted some small video cameras there a couple of days ago and been watching them ever since.

I studied one of the images, on with a Ninetales talking with an Espeon. Both I knew were Emma's own Pokemon but the Ninetales was treated differently from the rest. I wonder why?

>Night's pov<

I laid down under the tree I'd been sleeping under watching Emma carefully as Silver and Red took care of her. Trying to think of something to do.

Hope and Trust were talking to Dreamer while Twilight and Thunder laid next to the fire quietly. Faith and Melody had gone with Sora and the others and Wind dancer and Fez had gone on scout to keep an eye out for anyone approaching who could mean danger Finally Blade was sitting in a tree fiddling with a large stick.

I rested my head on my paws, by feeling like annoying anyone right now. The sound of twig breaking caught my attention and I looked up to see Rioyaru coming towards me.

She sat down next to me. ~You feeling alright?~ She asked giving me a worried look.

"Why's everyone worried about me all of a sudden?"

Rioyaru shrugged. ~You've been different lately. Out of character.~

"Like you can judge." I mumbled.

~I'm not judging. I'm just asking if you're alright.~

I snorted. "Fine. Now go."

~What if I don't want to?~ She raised an eyebrow.

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't beat Rio in a battle any day, even with her not at full strength like she is now. "What do you want?"

Rio shrugged. ~To talk I guess.~

"Why with me?"

Rioyaru shrugged again. ~Hope and Trust are giving Dreamer battle tips. Twilight's hanging with Thunder. Blade seems busy and you're just sitting here.~

"Whatever." I looked up at the taller Pokemon. "How long you been with Emma again?" Trying to get a dull conversation going.

~Third catch. After Pidge and Blade.~ She said simply.

We were both quiet for a moment. "So how'd you get the name Star killer?" I tried once again to get the dull conversation moving as well as get my own questions answered.

Rio gave me a surprised look but answered. ~When a new Growlith is born in our pack the parents each choose half of their name for example my mothers name was Star runner and my fathers was Dream killer so I got Star from my mother and Killer from my father giving me the name Star killer. I would of much preferred Dream runner but I got stuck with the other one.~ She shrugged. ~Then when Emma caught me she asked if I liked Rioyaru and I accepted the name.~

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