39~ Melody's vote

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>Night's pov<

I sighed in annoyance and I watched the moon rise slower than a Nosepass over Reversal Mountain. The day had gone by slowly, though I think it went slower for Emma. Even though nothing much had happened Emma was quiet mainly playing random, wordless tunes on her new guitar.

I sighed and left the clearing knowing that few would notice I left, few Pokemon ever did. I walked silently to the river where I'd last made contact with Xerneas and Yvetal less then a month ago. Thankfully I have good news to tell them or I'd be in big trouble.

I closed my eyes and felt the warping take place and didn't open till the feeling went away. I took a deep breath and walked along the invisible path. Xerneas and Yvetal soon came into view with the shadowed Pokemon behind them.

"Did you know?" I glared knowing that they knew what I was talking about.

~Know what?~ Yvetal glared back.

"Don't act as if you don't know what I'm talking about! The dream I had! Did you know about it!?" I practically yelled.

~And if we did?~ Xerneas asked looking down at me.

"Is it true or not?" I growled.

Xerneas and Yvetal looke at each other. ~It is true.~ Xerneas said solemnly. ~What you saw is Emma's current future.~

I took a step back in astonishment. "You're lying!" I growled. "It won't happen."

~Be carful how you speak with us Night voice.~ Yvetal hissed.

I glared at him with pure hatred. "Then stop it from happening! You're legendaries, you can change this!"

~As your dream said, you're the only one who can change it Night voice.~ Yvetal growled. ~And don't pin this in us. You're the last Pokemon I'd trust with this task.~

"What's that suppose to mean?!" I yelled.

~It mean, although you've found your quote&quote 'humanity' you're pure evil always have been and always will be.~ Yvetal snarled. ~Why the Voice of Purity even keeps you near her is beyond me. You're nothing more then a being made of negative emotions. Nothing more and that's all you'll ever be.~

I took a step back as his words hit me like a Hydro Cannon.

~Yvetal!~ Xerneas hissed. ~That's not true. None of us may particularly like the Night Voice but what you said is not true.~

I turned and left squeezing my eyes shut and returning to reality. My legs buckled from underneath me and I fell to the ground and sobbed.

Now don't get the wrong idea. I've never EVER cried before. EVER.

~Night?~ I small voice said from behind. ~Are you crying?~

I turned and saw Dreamer standing behind me, watching me.

"Go away!" I snarled at the baby Pokemon.

~Are you alright?~ She asked.

"I said leave!" I yelled.

Dreamer looked scared and ran away crying. Great now shes probably going to tell on me. I stood up and wiped away my tears, not caring how much trouble I got into. None of the other Pokémon really liked me any way so it's not like anything will change.

I'd prove them wrong! I'd prove to them I could be more, show them I have changed. Even if I die in the process.

~Night? What happened?~ Melody's voice asked as I kept my back turned.

"Nothing." I said, a hint of hostility creeping into my tone. "Just drop it."

Melody was quiet. ~Yvetal said something, didn't he?~

I turned and faced her. "How'd you know?" I growled.

Melody smirked a little. ~I'm the protectors of the Voice of Purity. Any decision that has to be made isn't made without my acknowledgment.~ She raised her chin. ~If it weren't for me then you'd be dead like most of the Legendary council wanted but I thought that there was some good in you.~ Her smirk changed into a smile. ~And I was right.~

I blinked in surprise. "So you know about my meetings with Yvetal and Xerneas?"

She nodded. ~Myself, Faith, Celeana, Sachi and Liberty know. After all were all apart of the Legendary council.~

"What is the Legendary council?" I ask. Xernease had mentioned it at some point but I'd never asked what it was.

~Basically it's what we call all Legendaries that make any decisions on the good of the world. Almost all Legendaries are apart of it.~ Melody says.


~Few legends have been kicked out. Shadow's Darkrai was kicked out just after it helped make you.~ She said simply.

"Wow." I blinked in surprise.

~Believe me. The discussions about you were not taken lightly. Some legends still believe that you shouldn't be alive now.~

I sighed I'd known about that bit, but I didn't know it was Melody who gave the vote to help me. Actually I didn't even know that she liked me that much to help me.

"Why did you vote to save me?" I asked.

Melody gave me a smile. ~Well, Emma told me about every conversation you two had and it seemed the longer you stayed with Emma the more you seemed more like annoying, jealous or just a plan bitch rather than a dark psychopath like when you were first made. So I thought if you were changing. What's the point in killing you if you were turning good? Everyone deserves a second chance, even you.~

I sighed and thought about my changed personality. Overly proud, annoying, smart ass and overly confident I thought about how I used to be, a jealous, evil psychopath. If Melody saw the change, why didn't anyone else?


Hello! :P





Sorry... I'm 'sugar high' at the moment.



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