17~ Pain isn't skin deep

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~Emma's pov

"Can we have a room for 6?" Silver asked Nurse Joy while I was checking out the wanted board in an empty corner and I may or may not have ripped down a couple of me. I not a bad guy and I'm fucking sick of being treated like one. I bit down on my tongue as I examined one of the posters, ripping it up and shoving the scraps in my pocket bitterly.

Not that doing so would change anything. The whole Unova region knew who I was and what I could to. But thanks to Team Plasma they saw it as a mutation and me as a freak.

When I was done I walked back to the group and handed Sora Rioyaru's Pokéball.

"Can you get her healed for me?" I asked her. "They check your trainer ID before healing your Pokemon now..." I whispered knowing that she would know why I couldn't.

Sora smiled and nodded. "No problem." And she handed Nurse Joy Rio's Pokéball making some excuse about finding her in the forest as the rest of us made our way to our room. I was marvelled to be actually staying in a bedroom again after spending six months living in a forest. As soon as Silver opened the door I bolted to the bathroom, playfully shoving several of my friends out of the way as I did so.

"Shotgun!" I squealed like an excited toddler as I locked the door, preparing to take a long, hot shower.

The only place fitting enough for my clothes, was the trash. They were practically falling apart and were only held together by my rough stitching. I peeked out of the door and waved Destiny over, explaining my situation to my friend. "Did you happen to bring something that fits me?"

"Yeah, I might..." Destiny knelt by the door as she pulled her bag off her back, shifting through it carefully before handing me a pare of Pyjama shorts and a tank top. "The shorts have a drawstring so you can make them fit." She explained. "I'll go shopping for you tomorrow."

"Do you have a hoodie?" I asked. "They make me feel safer."

Destiny handed me a hooded jacket. "Will this do?"

I nodded, taking it from her along with the rest of the clothes. "Thanks." I whispered before closing the door, sighing softly afterwards. I couldn't even shop for myself anymore.

Shaking my head, I decided to just shower. The warm water was a welcome change and without exaggeration, I stayed in the shower for over an hour - to the point where Silver had come to check in on me... Three times. I finished feeling better then I had in a long time. I collapsed on the couch getting comfy on the soft fabric, hugging a fluffy pillow close.

"That was nice." I mumbled to myself as I settled down, resting my head on my knees, cushioned by the pillow I was hugging.

Night jumped up next to me and I kicked her off. "No Pokemon on the couch." I jokingly scolded as she glared at me.

"But technically I'm not a Pokemon." She argued.

Silver looked between Night an I as if one of us had grown a second head. "What?"

"Well," I began, hiding behind the pillow. "Night was originally the entity that took over my body at the Team Void base. When Melody saved me she reversed our positions and when I got shot in Sinnoh Xerneas and Yvetal gave me that option to transform her into a Pokemon but I would need to take personal responsibility over her and I err, accepted."

"What?" Rafe asked as Sora walked in the room, still sounding confused.

She smiled at me. "Nurse Joy said to pick Rioyaru up in the morning though she won't be able to battle for a while."

I nodded. "Thanks Sora."

"Back to Night." Silver said steering the conversation back to what it was knowing how good I was at changing subjects.

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