30~ In the middle

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>Red's pov<

"Well I don't care what you say!!! I'm going to look for her!!!" Night yelled to Emma's other Pokemon.

~Um um umbreon!~ Hope yelled back, following this convocation would be so much easier if I could understand what half the Pokemon were saying.

"Well what would you like me to do!?" Night yelled again.

~Zor o zoroark~ Twilight said calmly.

~Blitzel.~ Dreamer cried while Sora tried to calm down the small Pokemon as the other eight broke out fighting.

~EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!~ Faith yelled making them all fall quiet. ~Thank you! Gez, what I was trying to say is look out the window.~

We all looked out the window to see a female Unfezent pecking at it.

"Who's that?" Rafe asked opening the window allowing the Pokemon to fly in.

~Un Unfezent!~ She said.

~Fez is a Pokemon we met in Pinwheel.~ Melody said frowning slightly. ~She's wild and nests around here.~

~Espe espeon?~ Trust said looking at the flying type.

~Un fez fez ant Unfezant!~ Fez replied.


~Unfezant fez unfezant.~

Silver seemed to be the only following the convocation.

"Wait where's Emma?" Night asked, jumping in.


Night turned to us. "Emma escaped using Blade and Wind dancer.

Wind dancer was looking for us when she met Fez here and now she wants to take us to Windy who will take us to Emma." Night said giving a brief summery to those who couldn't understand what the other Pokemon were saying, like me.

"Then lets go." I said hope and excitement mixed in my voice at the thought if helping Emma.

Everyone quickly grabbed their things and ran from the building. Fez flew up and let out a screech that echoed through the city and within seconds a familiar shiny Altaria was flying next to her.

~Altaria al tari.~ Pidge said to our Pokemon.

~We have to fly.~ Melody translated and we imedantaly let out our flying Pokemon and Silver returned all of Emma's apart from Hope, Trust, Melody, Faith and Night. Night flew on Windy's back while Hope and Trust flew on Fez. Faith and Melody flew on their own.

We all got on our own Pokemon. Silver rode his Hochkrow, I rode Charzard, Destiny rode on Star wing, her Staraptor, Rafe on Sora's Latios, while Sora used her Latias and we took off following Wind dancer into the sky and over Unova.

After a few hours of flying at top speed Windy dived into a forest below and our Pokemon followed.

~Al-tari.~ Pidge said looking to Night when we landed.

"Windy said we walk from here so no one follows us but its not far." Night said shaking her fur that had become messed up from the flight.

Pidge walked silently through the forest and we followed. All Emma's Pokemon were completely quiet, a grave expression in their eyes.

Out of the blue I was tackled to the ground by a Gallade, a Gallade that I knew well.

He immediately go off me when he saw who I was and I looked up to see the familiar figure of Blade, the Gallade that belonged to Emma. He looked worried and upset as well as scared.

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