59~ Stay with me until the very end

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~Emma's pov

I hugged Red one more time before turning to Silver and hugged him. I then turned swiftly to Reshiram who still looked battle ready.

You ready?

"Of course."

I ran to Reshiram, my foolproof plan still fresh in my mind. Rather than play in the defence like last time, this time I was going to be all offence and I had a secret weapon.

I nodded to her and climbed onto her back, briefly stopping to smile and nod at every one before signalling to Reshiram to take flight.

"Time to whoop some asses!"

Is this the same Emma I was talking to five minutes ago?

"Yes, yes this is."

Right... well where did this confidence come from?


Hardy-haha -_-

"Oh shut up!"

"Didn't expect to see you again any time soon my dear." Shadow smirked.

"Well I came back just to whoop your ass so let's get this party started!" I smirked back. Wow... I haven't felt this confident in a long time.

"This time I'm going to make sure you stay dead! Kyreum, Glaciate!" N called.

"Right, Reshiram you know what to do." I said, patting the white dragons neck.

She nodded and flapped her wings making her fly even higher in the air.

"I'm ready when you are."





K, I'm ready.

"Now Blue flare!" I shouted.

Reshiram screeched and formed a large blue fire ball above her head. This was Reshiram's most powerful move and I had another trick up my sleeve.

As if in queue a bright, creamy-white light shot down from the storm clouds like lightning striking a tree in a storm, fusing itself with Reshiram's attack.

Let's hope this works.

"Now!" I shouted.

Reshiram shot the attack at N and Kyreum. As it flew it grew brighter and larger, the front of it taking the form of a Ninetales made from fire that was charging into battle it's paws outstretched and eyes gleaming, its head thrown back into a silent howl. Every detail was perfect, the fire even looked like fur blown back in the wind.

N didn't even have time to doge or call out a counter as the attack slammed into Kyreum, sending both spiralling into the sand. I turned my back to them, they were no longer a thret.

Smirking at Shadow who looked impressed. "I'm taking that was the Night Voice's doing."

"Yup, you catch on fast." I smirked back. Night, although couldn't come back she could power up Reshiram's attack. Two beings if light verse two beings of dark. It was fare.

He nodded. "Do you know why I made her in the first place?"

Is he going to start monologuing?

"Uh... to take over my body and make you in charge of the purest thing in existence? Wasn't that why you kidnapped me last year?" I asked, wondering where this conversation was going.

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