35~ What happens next?

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>Emma's pov<

I opened my eyes and looked around. Night seemed to be the only one awake and was watching me out of the corner of her eye but looked away when she saw I was awake.

Red had his head resting on top of mine and was snoring ever so softly. He held me close to him, tightly yet still gentle. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his chest and smiled a little. I felt completely safe in his arms as if nothing could ever touch me again.

Blade woke up shortly after I did and Red soon after that. He lifted his head from on top of mine and loosened his grip.

"Did you sleep well?" He smiled.

I nodded and blushed a little when I remembered that I'd slept on his chest. "Sorry if I annoyed you last night." I said embarrassed, trying to support myself on my own but failed epically when pain shot trough my arms.

Blade stood up, crouching a little since he was a little to tall to stand straight in the Poke-tent. He walked over to my side, watching out for Charzard's tail.

~Are you alright?~ He asked worriedly.

I nodded. "Just a little sore." I lied.

Blade looked as if he had sent fallen for it. ~Are you sure?~ He asked giving me one if those I-know-you're-lying-give-it-up looks.

I sighed a shook my head. Blade was one of the few people/Pokemon who could tell when I lied. Not that I did it to my Pokemon very often. I'd always had a thing for trusting Pokemon to people. Always have and probably always will.

Blade frowned and sighed.

Charzard poked his head in through the top of the tent.

~Mornin'~ he smiled. ~You should see it out here. It's completely white.~

"Okay, Charizard." Red said. "Can you let us out please."

Charzard nodded and slowly opened his wings, patches of snow falling down off his wings in the process. The icy cold wind hit me in like blast causing me to shiver and snuggle closer to Red. I whimpered as the cold seemed to make my cut burn, which doesn't make a lot of sense but then a lot of things don't.

Red wrapped me tighter in his sleeping bag. "You need to keep warm to get better." He said.

"I can take care of myself ya know." I told him, with a small playing smirk.

"Nah, I'm gonna take care of you." He smirked.

I sighed. "Whatever. We should get back before Silver sends a search party and over reacts as usual."

Red nodded and stood up. He returned his Charizard before looking back at me, now snuggling into Blade's arms to keep warm... What? It was cold... Scratch that, freezing.

Blade picked me up, sleeping bag and all. Night stood up and shook her fur, it was strange that she hadn't spoken all morning. Maybe something was on her mind. Well whatever it was it was keeping her out of my hair which was good.

Red held onto Blade's arm and placed his other hand on Night's back before Blade teleported us away.

When we got back into the clearing Silver was pacing back and forth and looked up at us when we got there.

The snow around the fire was melted leaving dry grass around most of the clearing. As expected he bombarded me with questions, half of which I ignored leaving it up to Red to answer how we kept warm last night in the snow.

Blade sat me down in front if the fire and I snuggled deeper into the sleeping bag.

Silver sat by my side and I snuggled close to him.

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