33~ Just give me another chance

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>Night's pov<

I watched the moon slowly rise above Reversal Mountain, why of all times must this mouth have a blue moon? Emma was getting better but if anything else happened to her I'd be history with Yvetal and Xerneas. It had only been two weeks since Emma first woke up but in a few weeks I'd need to report in again. I switched my gaze to Emma's shadowed figure next to the fire. She'd been waking up more often and for longer but was still really weak. She'd been eating more and was gradually been moving more as well. We'd only feed her easy to chew things since she tired very quickly and we needed to make sure she kept her strength up so we gave her things like the broth of soups with bread soaked into the juice to help balance things. We also gave her things like softer berries and stuff like that.

I sat up and flicked my cream ears, listening for anything of interest. It was just Silver, Red and Destiny in the clearing with Emma since Sora and Rafe had gone into the closest town which was Undella town to get supplies and some secret thing that nobody would tell me what. Nobody trusted me these days.

I shook my head and turned my gaze to the half moon. I stood up and shook my fur slightly. I'd gotten used to this ages ago and actually quite liked the choice of Pokemon I'd been turned into. Better than some, worse than others. Hope had suggested that I'd been turned into a fire type because of Emma's fear of water. Which was a high possibility with water being one of fire's weaknesses. But Emma had given me some training to counter it teaching my moves like Energy ball and Solar Beam (A/N both Ninetales can learn through TM) to counter water, rock and ground types and which is what I'm weak to. Emma may hate me, but at least she takes care of me.

~Watch ya doin'?~ Trust said siting by my side.

~What's it look like genius?~ I said, speaking in Pokélanguge to avoid being heard as I sat back down.

~Nothin' that's why I asked.~ Trust replied casually.

~Well it's none of your business.~ I said standing up again, stretching my sore body.

~Alright then, What's up?~ Trust said looking at the moon.

I looked up and saw Pidge and Fez siting in the tree above me. ~Windy, Fez, a tree and the sky.~ I said.

Trust sighed. ~What's on your mind?~

~Absolutely nothing.~ I growled.

~Something must be wrong. You've been acting different lately.~

I sighed. ~It doesn't matter. You wouldn't care.~

~And why's that?~ She said switching her gaze from the moon to me.

~Cause no one does.~ I mumbled siting back down.

~Why do you say that?~

I sighed and looked down at my paws. ~Cause no one likes me.~

~I like you... at times.~ She raised an eyebrow. ~You can be a bitch at times, but you care enough for Emma and have proved that you can be depended on... when needed.~

~Yeah... well half of Emma's Pokemon would kick me out first chance they got, or possibly kill me.~ I mumbled.

~Can you blame them? I mean you did almost kill all Emma's friend, take over her body...~

~Alright alright, I know what I did. No need to repeat it.~ I growled.

Trust snorted. ~What I'm trying to say, is that you've been trying to make up for what you did and that's what matters.~

I thought about this for a moment. ~It just seems like everyone but me gets a second chance. Emma screws up and everyone rushes to help her. Thunder killed a Pokemon and Emma rushes to defend him. I didn't know anything else, I was made from pain and fear... it was all I knew how to do at the time.~

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