7~ Run

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>Silver's Pov<

"Well..." Emma took a deep breath in. "About 3 months ago now Rioyaru and I were collecting supplies from the berry fields not to far from here when..." She paused. "We were ambushed by Team Plasma. Rio told me to run... and I did thinking that she was not to far behind... but I ran into some "police" and..." She paused again. "I turned around and Rio wasn't behind me. Because I'd been seen in public defending myself from Team Plasma, I'm thought to be a freak. An experiment Team Plasma made. The police.. They... they caught me and..." She broke off with a small sob, wiping her eyes. They put a clorofome cloth in front of my mouth and nose that made me faint." Emma took a shaky breath in and squeezed her eyes shut. "When I woke up I was strapped to a metal table... I tried to break free with my Purity powers... but... but I couldn't use them... there was a black band like thing wrapped around this part of my arm that felt like it was burning my arm whenever I tried to use my powers." She rubbed the scar thingie. "I'm no going to go into detail about what happened next... but they did... experiments on me and all sorts of things that hurt." Emma's shoulders were shaking with ether sadness or fear. "And... and if it weren't for my Pokemon then... I... I never would of gotten out alive, but I haven't seen Rioyaru since." She was crying harder now.

I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. She sobbed quietly into my shoulder.

Eventually Emma fell asleep in my arms. I did't want to wake her so I carried her over to my sleeping back and gently put her in since she didn't have her own and zipped it up. Then I lied down next to her on the floor and eventually fell asleep as well.

>Emma's Pov<

I opened my eyes and sat up, noticing I was in Silver's black sleeping bag and he was sleeping on the ground next to me. I smiled a little at this, liking the feeling of being cared for.

I quietly unzipped the sleeping bag and got out. I tip-toed over to Liberty who was sleeping with Sole and Sora's Latias and Latios.

Liberty was lying with her head on Sole's neck and he was curled around her protectively. She looked up at me tiredly as I approached. I put my finger to my lips, signalling to stay quiet.

She nodded as I knelt next to her and unwrapped her wing. I ran my fingers along it. "How's it feel?" I whispered.

~Much better, it only hurts when you put pressure directly on it now.~ She said telepathically.

I nodded. "Good." I wrapped it back up and rubbed her head.

"How's Liberty?" A voice asks making me jump.

I looked behind me and saw Sora smiling a little.

"Much better, thank Arceus."

"That's good." Her smile grew.

I nodded and turned back to Liberty who had fallen back asleep with Sole.

It looked quite adorable.

I stroked Liberty's neck a little before I looked up at Sora.

"So how's life?" I asked trying to start a convocation.

"Just fine, you?"

I shrugged. "Could be worse..."

Sora. "Yeah."

"Though, being out here has made me appreciate things that I normally wouldn't have given a second thought about..."

"Like what?"

I smirked. "A hot shower for one."

Sora giggled and it was quiet for a moment then I had an idea. "You wanna see something cool?"


I stood up and grabbed Sora's hand and led her over to the pool of water in my cave.

Aquarina popped her head about the surface and smiled at us.

I waved back then looked at Sora. "Watch this."

I placed my hand on the water.

Croa Croa Ze Rei Ze Riou Riou Ze

I felt the power pulse threw my body and I lifted my hand, a trail of water following.

I heard Sora gasp in amazement. I smiled and lifted my hand higher and started to move it around in a pattern. The trail following.

"That's so cool!" Sora squealed.

I put my finger to my lips with my spare hand, signalling to be quiet.

~Emma, we have to talk.~

I looked over at Hope who was signalling me over.

"Be back in a sec," I walked over to Hope. "What is it?"

~I'm worried, Trust and Celeana still haven't come back yet... they should have been back last night but...~ She trailed off.

I had sent out Trust and Celeana on a 'scout mission' earlier last night now. I did that every once and a while, but never a Pokemon on there own.

~What if they got caught? Like... like Rio.~ Hope sounded really worried and I can't blame her, Trust was her sister and she'd already spent three years missing.

I bit my lip. "Ok, umm." I didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong?" I looked up at Destiny, who was standing with the others.

"It's nothing." I mumbled, looking away from them.

"I would exactly classify as two of your Pokémon missing as 'nothing'." Silver answered. "But if you like, we can go looking for them. No one's looking for us so there won't be any danger."

I shook my head. "Team Plasma knows your with me now and..." I trailed off. "They already got one of my Pokemon. I don't want them to get all of you as well."

"Well it would be safer than you going out." Red pointed out.

"But I don't want any of you getting hurt." I argued. "I don't think you understand just how ruthless and cold blooded Team Plasma can be and if they got any of you then all our lives at risk!"

"How?" Red crossed his arms

My face was practically red. "Well if they got any of you and threatened to kill you if I didn't give myself up, what do you think I'd do!?"

Red was quiet. But I kept going.

"I'd give myself up because you guys and my Pokemon are the most important things to me in the world and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if any of you got hurt!?"

~Emma, sorry to intuit but this is important!~

I turned to the cave, that was Trust. I was relieved she was okay.

I ran to the mouth of the cave as Trust and Celeana came in.

~They know where you are... they're coming!~ Celeana said worriedly looking down to the forest below.

"Crap!" I ran over to I kept my stuff and started to throw things into my bag. I looked over to my friends. "Get ready to leave."

The others nodded and started to pack there things in a hurry as I packed the basic necessities into my water proof lined bag.

I ran over to Liberty. "Can you fly?" I asked desperately.

She shook her head. I swore under my breath and dug for my Pokéballs and grabbed hers and returned her, promising to let her out later.

I turned to the rest of my Pokemon. "Everyone, head to the meeting point we planned." I grabbed Trixie's, Petunia's and Dreamer's Pokéballs and returned them as well knowing that they weren't strong enough yet to handle themselves.

I ran to my friends and jumped on Aquarina's back, waiting tensely for the others to get out their Pokémon before we all dove under water.


Yay I finally told you who's missing.

Well I'm finally in holidays  \(^_^)/

Bye-bye now.

SMG out!!! (^0^)/

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