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>2 weeks later<

I sighed and tuck my brown bangs behind my ear as the salty sea air swept it over my face. The air felt tingly on my skin and the taste of salt danced in my lips.

This all felt normal but I don't know what it was, but I felt different to what I had before.

Apparently this was a normal side affect of being 'resurrected' but it was annoying. I can't actually remember any of the proses but it apparently took a week to actually bring me back permanently and had sent Arceus into a long slumber since he used up all his power bringing me back.

I leaned against the railing and looked out to sea. Currently Red, Silver, Destiny and I were on our way to Johto, back home. The boats red paint was slightly flaked and faded but still looked nice as it bobbed around like a toy in a bath tub.

I guess I should back track a bit shouldn't I?

Well after I had woken up Silver explained to me that the police and stuff now understood their mistake in thinking I was a freak or whatever and lifted the charges and stuff on my name, clearing it completely since I had no other record besides that. So I am now a regular civilian with awesome powers. They returned my stuff and apologised for any harm they did for me. I personally didn't forgive them and still held grudges but I'm just like that.

But I'm glad to finally leave Unova and as there champion as well. I'd collected all the badges before fleeing to Pinwheel and challenged and defeated Alder a few days ago and am now finally on my way home.

Liberty, Sachi, Celeana, Blade and Dreamer had gone back a head so I'd be traveling with the legal amount again and to tell my other Pokemon that all was well.

Oh and I found one of the best things ever had happened when I was brought back to life. Every single scar I had on the outside was removed. Each and ever one. So I was outside willingly in a short sleeves shirt and a pair of shorts. If was different since I never wore anything that showed my skin in public. But I liked the fact that I could now be proud of the way I looked and not be insecure about my scars.

The one thing though that couldn't be removed was the ice in my blood. Apparently it was now fused with my DNA and if it was removed it could cause harm to me or change something about me. But Arceus could lower the rate of the freeze attacks and they weren't fatal or anything but Silver now knew. I had one a few days ago and it wasn't too bad. It was like being in the middle of the snow with no warm cloths on but how bad they were had proven to vary so I guess I'll just have to see what the future holds.

And as for Night? She comes and goes from being in my head to out but she told me she will stalk me for the rest of my life so I guess she watches me from the legendary council.

I heard footsteps that snapped me back to reality. I turned and smiled when I saw my older brother coming above deck.

"I though I'd find you up here." Silver said as he approached.

I shrugged. "I needed to think."

"About what?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged again. "Everything that's happened over the past few weeks... and what I'm going to do next."

"And what is that?" Silver asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well first I'm going to get some well needed R&R and after that maybe go to Kalos." I said with a small thoughtful smile.

"Oh really?" Silver asked with a smirk. "I hope you have any plans of going alone."


"Good, cause you're under my strict supervision until I say so."

"Is that right?"

"Would you prefer to be grounded?"

I shook my head while rolling my eyes.

"Silver arrest it is."

"Alright then, so what are the rules of 'Silver arrest'?"

"Basically you're not going anywhere without me with you."

"I think I can handle that." I nodded. He'd follow me ether way. Worry wart.

I don't blame him. I freaken died. What would you expect from my big brother who has been protective of me for as long as I could remember.

The boat gave a long, loud 'hoooonk' signalling land was close.

"I'm going to make sure all my stuff it packed. See you in a bit." I smiled running off technically breaking Silver's 'Silver arrest' rules.

Time to take some well deserved rest.... And after that? Let's just see what happens and deal with it when it gets here.

Cause I am here now and since I am, I'm going to do my best to enjoy it. Cause although I still don't trust new people and feel uncomfortable around anyone I don't know, I was going to make the most of the people I do.

I still have fears and I still have weaknesses. But now I have people to fight for, people who will fight for me.

People who will fight with me.

I finally felt like I was alive, like I have something to stand for and all it took was one small simple thing to show me and that was,



There you have it waffles. The end of 'Why you?' thank you all so much for reading, voting commenting and everything you've done for me. Stick up for me when I was bullied, comfort me when I was down and be patient when I took breaks to sort things out. I couldn't of done this without you. Any of you. So thank you all so so much for being there for me. I cannot explain how happy it made me feel.

Now I'm going to finish 'Find my voice' and then take a break again to plan my next books. But I know it will be called 'Star struck' and will be about a girl called Shimmer. I still have a few details to plan but it should be up soon. I'm going to post a sneak peak in my 'randomness is awesomeness' book some time soon but I don't know when.

Once again thank you all so much.


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