12~ Bitter hatred

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>Rioyaru's pov<

The metal door swung open and N walked in looking quite proud of himself. This can't be good. A growl rumble from my throat as my hatred for N boiled away inside of me.

N snorted at my attempt to look threatening. "Guess what I got today." He said in a teasing voice. Like a preschooler bragging about a new toy.

I glared at him but didn't have the strength to move. ~Care to enlighten me?~ I growled sarcastically.

"I got..." He paused as if adding dramatic effect. "Your trainer." He smirked smugly.

All the hope I had left in me of getting rescued seemingly shattered instantly, I squeezed my eyes shut, preying he was lying.

Emma got caught? How? It just didn't seem possible.

N seemed quite proud of this. "And that's not all."

I opened my eyes and looked at him fearfully, what else could he have gotten that could make this any worse.

"I didn't find her alone, she had quite an interesting bunch of  friends with her. It wasn't difficult to capture them as well and since they can easily be used to manipulate Emma, you are no longer required in that area."

My ears dropped and my lungs tightened, making it hard for me to breath. Was he going to kill me? Was all my fighting to stop him from getting Emma in the first place for nothing?

N laughed at my fear making me glare at him angrily. "But don't fret your still needed... I hear you have been gifted with the move Thunderbolt, is this true?"

I didn't answer. Bitterly hating him for everything he'd done to Emma, and myself over the past months.

N looked at me like I was something he would scrape off the bottom of his shoe. "Answer me or else I'll kill you and your trainer, who you fought so valiantly to protect. Shame if it would be for nothing." He glared.

~Okay, I'll answer. Please, just don't hurt her...~ I begged, knowing that they were probably using myself as well as Silver and the others against Emma. ~It's true... I- I can use Thunderbolt.~

N chuckled and knelt so he was at my level. "Now that's a good mutt." He smirked.

He got up and went to leave. "Team Plasma is on the path to victory... With the Voice of Purity nothing can stop us."

With that he left casting the room back into the semi-darkness.

~Emma, please be ok.~ I whispered and shut my eyes once again. ~Please don't give up.~

(A/N is it just me, or dose N seem more evil and creepy then Shadow...?)

>Emma's pov<

"Would you shut the hell up already!" I growled at Shadow who was continuously babbling on about the prophecy and random crap.

The only thing he was actually doing was making me feel sick... Well even more sick then I already felt, and the fact that I was still wet in a freezing cold cell wasn't helping. A cold chill ran down my back and I pulled my knees tighter into my chest. I felt slightly dizzy and my breath was slightly laboured but I was trying not to let it show.

"You alright here my dear?" Shadow asked with false concern.

"Shut up. I'm fine." I hissed. I swear it just got colder in here as I started shivering more.

Stupid aircon, and I used to complain that Pinwheel was cold in winter... this is just ridiculous.

"Whatever you say my dear." He rolled his eyes and paused. "Do you here that?"

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