52~ Trusting ice

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A/N~ *In Alvin and the Chipmunks style voice* I'M BACK!!! I'd like to thank everyone who gave me one of those up lifting comments on the previous chapter. You have no idea how good that made me feel so without further ado...

~Night's pov

~Night, are you sure we're going the right way?~ Celeana asked worriedly, looking around lost.

I don't blame her. We were walking to the top of Reversal mountain. But I was sure I could feel Emma up there.

I nodded. "She's near. I can feel it."

~It's gonna be funny if Faith and the others find her first.~ Trust giggled.

I sighed. "We are going the right way. I'm sure of it."

~I just don't understand how you can do it. Track her I mean. I can't even feel her presence anywhere.~ Celeana shook her head.

"I guess it's sorta like a homing instinct. Emma's apart of me, I can feel her pain and other emotions. Believe me it drives me crazy how emotional that girl is." I snorted a little. "But I know she has good reason."

Hope smirked. ~You're worried about her, aren't you?~ She teased.

"Of course I am." I glared. "You three are." I mumbled.

~Yeah... guess you're right.~ She sighed. ~How much further do you think it is?~

I shook my head. "I don't know. I feel her aura, not location... But we're close."

~It makes sense though, her being up Reversal mountain. After all it is where...~ Celeana stopped herself and looked at the ground. ~Where N plans to awaken The three.~

>Emma's pov

I woke suddenly from my dreamless sleep. I was lying against Rioyaru with my head resting on her shoulder, I could hear her steady heart beats in her chest and her deep, even breaths. Her tail was wrapped protectively around me like a blanket as usual and she was asleep with her head lying next to me. She looked peaceful but slightly on edge, but I was to so you couldn't really blame her. Especially in a place like this.

I shifted my position a little, trying not to wake up Rioyaru but failing. As soon as I moved she raised her head and looked at me calmly, a small smile showing through.

~Sleep well?~ She asked in a quiet voice as if trying to prevent anyone from hearing us talking.

I nodded. "Slept better, slept worse." I shrugged talking in a whisper.

Yeah, I wasn't really in the mood to attempt to collect to Songs of Ice and Dragon right now, so keeping quiet and making them think I was still asleep was probably the best option.

She nodded. ~A few grunts have come to check on you. But I scared them off.~

I smiled at little. "I have no doubt you did."

~Cyrus came by also. But he left when he saw you still asleep.~

I nodded. "I seriously do not get him."

~How so?~

"Well first I think I was 'daddy's little girl' then he freaken abused me and I thought he hated me now I find pictures I drew him when I was 1-4 years old." I sighed. "Believe me though, I still hate him." I mumbled remembering to keep my voice down.

Rio's ears twitched for a moment. ~Someone's coming.~ She warned.

"Really?" I groaned quietly. "Oh I know. I'm going to pretend that I'm still sleeping. Play along." I told her quietly.

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