14~ Escape plan

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>Emma's pov


That was all I could see. All I could feel. A sinister, evil darkness.

A way to familiar darkness.

"Arceus, not this again!" I half groaned, half whimpered. The last time I felt like this was my mental battle with Night before she took over my body and believe me I DO NOT want to go through THAT again. One sarcastic smartass who is to sassy for her own good is enough... Actually it's one to many...

~Be calm Voice of Purity. No one can harm you here.~ A dark voice said.

I turned around trying to find the source.

"Show yourself!" I hissed.

~As you wish.~

A dark form rose from the shadows.


"What do you want!?" I hissed, raising my arms to a defensive position as I began freaking out inside.

~Calm yourself. I'm here to help.~

"How can I trust you? Last time we met you 'gifted' me with Night." I crossed my arms and glared at him, trying to appear calm.

~You have a right to be mad and not trust me. But need your help and you need mine.~ He said desperately.

"With what?" I said, still not trusting him.

~Well for a start I can help you after you get out of the Team Plasma base.~

"Well that helps. How do you know I'm here or if I even get out?"

Darkrai sighed. ~Just trust me. I'm outside the gates with your Pokemon and my own masters and we have agreed to work together till our masters are free.~

I glared at him. "How do I know you're not tricking me?" I said suspiciously

~You're just going to have to make a leap of faith now aren't you?~

I sighed. "What do you want me to do?"


I gritted my teeth and formed the pink orb in my hands trying to expand it into a force field. As far as I knew I could only use Psychic as a defence rather than offence like the rest of my Lullabies.

The only problem is that it's not exactly the easiest type to control. Faith had said it's because I'm partially menially unstable which I can understand what she meant there.

I heard Silver mumble something under his breath but I blocked him out and continued to focus of the force field.

It expanded but blew up in my hands... AGAIN!

"I give up." I sighed sitting down with my legs crossed, burying my head in my hands.

Silver rubbed my back. "You'll get it eventually."

"Not if we don't get out of here." I stood back up and walked over to the cell door. "Who votes we should get out of here now?"

There was a series of agreements from my friends. When we first started making an escape plan, we thought it was safer if I learn how to make a force field (which I was failing at) but I was getting sick of waiting.

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