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Collin's POV

I slammed my locker shut in frustration. I heard the sound of my whiteboard fall off the inside of the door. I didn't open my locker up to fix it. I was too upset to do anything.

I headed to lunch with my head down. I didn't want anyone coming up to me and ask if I was okay. I wanted to be left alone.

I reached the cafeteria and saw Kiera waving for me at our usual table. I let out a sigh and headed in her direction, my black backpack over my right shoulder.

"Hi Collin!" Kiera said. She had a bright smile on her face. She always does. Her long blonde hair was in a half up french braid crown, from what she told me this morning.

"What's with the depressed face?" she asked. She patted the table, motioning me to sit across from her.

"I hate romance," was all I said as I sat down, putting my backpack next to me.

"Is it because you didn't find your mate last night?"

"Yeah," I said with my head in my hands.

I came home late last night from visiting the Blue Moon Pack in search of my mate. I've been visiting nearly every pack in the country, trying to find her with no results. My friends' keep trying to ease the idea that she could be dead or lost but I refuse to listen to them.

"Oh Collin. Don't give up hope!" Kiera rubbed my arm, trying to comfort me.

"Don't you see Kiera! I'll never find my mate! I don't even think she's out there! She may even be dead!" I put my head on my table. "I might as well just give up."

"Give up? Is that Collin saying that?" A deeper voice came up to Kiera and I. I looked up to see Nathan, the Alpha, my best friend.

"Hi Nate," I mumbled.

"You really just decided to give up on finding a mate?" He sat down next to Kiera. She gave him a little peck on the cheek, which made him smile wide. She's the only one who makes him smile like that.

I rolled my eyes. "PDA guys. Ever heard of it? Kiera looked at me strangely. Nate glared at me.

"Look, Collin. Just because you didn't find her last night with the Blue Moon Pack doesn't mean she isn't out there. You just have to keep looking." Nathan opened his lunch and handed Kiera a bag of chips. I rolled my eyes again.

She smiled to Nate and began to eat. I felt my stomach rumble so I pulled out my sack lunch. My apple rolled across the table when I placed the bag on the table. Nate caught it before it fell off the table.

"Thanks," I said. I grabbed the apple from his hands.

He just smiled and began to strike up a conversation with Kiera. "Did you find a dress yet for the Winter Dance?" he asked.

"Yes! Wanna see?" She pulled out her phone from her pocket. Nate gave me the look of I'm-sucked-in-help-me.  I smiled and shook my head.

"Wow! Looks amazing!" Nate sounded excited to see the dress that Kiera was planning wear.

"You should come to the dance, Collin!" Kiera said excitedly.

"NO way! I'm not going to some lame dance while you guys make out in the back of the gym."

"What's with you Collin?" Nate said. "All Kiera asked was if you were going."

"You'll only asking if I'm going because I might meet my mate there. Well, news flash! I've met everyone at this school. No one here is 'the one'."

"Just go for about an hour. Just for fun," Kiera said. "And people bring dates who don't go to this school. Maybe she's out there somewhere. All you need to do is look."

"And to not give up," Nate replied.

I thought about the pros and cons of going. I could find my mate. Maybe. But going would give me something to do that night instead of sitting around doing nothing. However, it might be really boring, and I probably won't find my mate.

I looked at Nate and Kiera. I didn't want to let my friends down. Also, Nate was the Alpha. Saying no to an Alpha is not the best idea. Even to Nate.

"Okay," I sighed. "I'll go."

"Yay!" Kiera cheered. "We can go shopping for a tux, get you a flower for you to pin. It has to be a rose since roses are pretty with tuxes. Oh! You also need to have a hairstyle too."

Kiera kept going on and on about what I should wear and bring. Nate shook his head with a smile.

"Okay, Kiera. Let's not get carried away," Nate said. "Or get ahead of ourselves." Kiera had already pulled out her phone and was about to look up a nice, cheap suit for me.

"Um...I might just wear one of my dad's old ones," I said.

"Okay. Oh! This is going to be the best night EVER!" Kiera squealed.

I really hope it will. I really want something to go well for me.

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