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41.2K! This is awesome! 

Collin's POV 

After spending about 10 minutes trying to find the right key to get me out of my chains, I was stuck at the door the cell door going through every single key on the ring. I wasn't getting very far. 

It was easy to get my hands through the bars and reach the lock, but with very little light from the cell and hallway, it was hard to see. Even though my eyes adjusted to the light, it didn't make much difference. 

My arms were getting tired and Fang was getting impatient. He was howling in my head telling me to go faster. 

"I can't concentrate with you screaming in my head!" I yelled at him. Fang whined some more. 

"You don't need to concentrate when it comes to opening a door!" 

I gritted my teeth. "Try going through 20 thousand keys in the dark while trying not to get caught by any guards or lab workers!" 

Fang stopped talking but he still made whining sounds. He can be such a baby when he gets like this. 

After another six minutes of going through the keys, I finally found the right one that opened the lock. I heard a loud click and felt the lock drop in my hands. I smiled. "And we are out of here." I carefully pulled the chain out and as quietly as I could, opened the door. 

"Yay! We're out!" Fang cheered. 

"Shh!" I whispered. "We're not done yet." 

I crept down the hall trying to stay light on my toes. I looked around, making sure no one was following me. I reached the end of the hallway and saw it turn right. I slid up against the wall and carefully poked my head out. There was no one there. I searched for any cameras up on the ceiling. I couldn't find any. I continued my walk. 

After following the dark hallway, I saw light coming from the left. I heard voices coming towards me. I looked around for a place to hide. I found a broom closet to my right. I opened the door up and slipped inside. I stood up against the wall, my back leaning on it, and listened. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I tried to slow my breathing down. It felt so loud that I thought someone might here it. I waited a few more seconds before checking to see if the coast was clear. I slowly opened the door and peeked my head through. 

The hallway was empty again. I didn't hesitate and bolted down the hallway, staying more alert than before. I shielded my eyes as I reached the bright hallway. When my eyes adjusted, I saw a concrete staircase at the end. I did a quick look-around before I ran up to the stairs. 

I scanned my eyes up the stairs. I saw a wooden trapdoor up at the top. I wooden ladder sat at the end of the staircase. I didn't take any chances and climbed my way up. 

I reached the trapdoor and gave it a push. It was locked. Luckily, I had put the keys in my pocket. The unfortunate thing about it was that I had to find the right key to get the door open. 

I pulled the keys out and tried the first one. I heard a click from the lock. That was easy. I put the keys back in my pocket and gave the door a hard push. I poked my eyes out of the little peephole that I made and looked around. 

The room looked like a scene out of the Addams Family. The floors were made entirely out of wood. They ran all the way up the wall and to the ceiling. Old-fashioned furniture sat across the room. A fireplace sat to the right. It looked like it hadn't been used in years. Dust and cobwebs sat in the fireplace and all along the walls and corners. The furniture was covered in dust. An old carpet was in front of me. I let out a sneeze from the dust flying at my face. 

"Great! Now they'll find us!" Fang growled. 

"Shh!" I pushed on the trapdoor harder. "We might still have a chance." 

Fortunately, no one was in sight. It was like the entire house was abandoned. I half expected to see a human hand run down the wooden stairs that stood to my far left to come attack me. Webs wrapped the railing and human skulls made up the rail post. I really wanted to get out of this place. 

I walked around the creepy house looking for a way out. The house felt like a maze with no exit doors in sight. Dust and cobwebs were everywhere. I even found a skeleton hanging from one of the walls. I ran faster when I saw that. 

I somehow made it back to where I started. I threw my hands up in the air in frustration. "Why can't I get out of here?" I turned back around and tried following a different route. 

I ended up in some sort of office. The place looked much cleaner than any other part of the house. A red velvet chair sat in front of an oak desk. Dark red curtains hung over the windows. Two large bookcases sat on either side of the desk. The floor was still the same wood as the rest of the house. However, it looked new and recently polish. A strong smell of wood polish filled my nose. 

On top of the desk was one yellow file. It was closed with a picture of someone on the front. I walked over to the desk and picked it up. I examined the picture closely. It was a young woman. She had long, wavy hair. It was a nice brown shade that matched her soft brown eyes. She had a joyful smile on her face. The picture looked like it was taken from another photo because of the ripped sides. I opened the file. The name on the file made me feel dizzy. 

It was Baleigh's mom, Isabelle O' Conners. A small profile of her was clipped on the left while dozens of newspaper articles and photos were on the right. I picked up the first article and placed the file down on the table. 

The article was about the boating accident. I remember Baleigh talking to me about her mom's accident. At first, she could barely talk without grabbing a tissue. She finally was able to talk after an hour of tissues and wet shoulders. 

The article looked like it was ripped from an old newspaper. The article was printed 11 years ago. There was a short snippet of how Baleigh's dad was the cause of the death. It also read that he was let go after three days of interrogation. How could he be let go? He's a monster! I shook my head and put the article down. I picked up a few photos of Isabelle in college. 

There were pictures of her helping out in the Earth Club of St. John's University. A few photos of her playing chess with disabled kids. One showed a little boy in a wheelchair smiling after winning the game. There was two pictures of her playing in the school's jazz band. She looked like she was playing a giant saxophone. The gold instrument was a few inches from touching the ground. 

There was also one of her at her college graduation. She was up at the stage giving a speech to the graduating class. She looked so happy. Why did her life have to end so quickly? 

I put the photos down. I looked at the file for a few seconds. Why was this file here? I looked back at the door and then back at the file. Fang started shouting in my head again. 

"Take the file! It might be useful!" 

"Why would I?" I asked him. 

"Because it's your mate's mother! She has to know about this! Maybe the information in this file could help us!" 

Fang was right. The things in this file could be really useful. If only I knew what was going to make the file useful. 

I closed the file and picked it up. I was about to walk out the door when I heard a crash and a scream. The scream sounded like a girl. I raced out the door and followed the sound. There was more crashing and the sound of objects falling on the floor. I ran harder. 

I ended up back in the room I started. I saw a shattered mirror on the floor, tables an chairs turned over. A black wolf was standing on all fours, his back to me. The wolf growled and stared hard at what was in front of him. 

It was Jacob holding a knife to Baleigh's neck.

"Hello, Beta," he said. "Care to join the fun?" 

Wow! This was fun! Not the ending though. That part sucks. Anyway, hope you guys liked it! I was writing last night and I was close to finishing when my mom kicked me up to my room! Finally got it done! Don't forget to leave comments and votes! 

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