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1.5K VIEWS!!!! YAY!! Thanks guys!!! Here's another chapter! You guys are the BEST!!!

Baleigh's POV

It had been three days since Dr. Stone told me about my mother. I was let go from the infirmary that afternoon with the thought of the conversation in my mind. Kiera found me a room up on then third floor. I wanted a room on the bottom floor, but Kiera insisted on having my room next to Collin's.

Since I only brought what was in my cinch-sack, everyone pitched in to get me back on my feet. Kiera took me out shopping and bought me so many outfits that I needed a second dresser. Nate helped me hang up curtain rods, picture frames, and fixed the broken shelves in my closet.

Collin was a little hesitant at first but he eventually came with me to the furniture store to buy me a new mattress and a bookshelf for all of my things. We talked for hours. I learned a lot about him and somehow, gain a liking to Collin. He is, however, a little protective over me.

When we went to buy some more nails for Nate, I could tell the cashier had his eyes for me. Collin got really mad and just before we left, the cashier said, "Have a nice, little lady." Collin stood in front of me and said, "Talk to her again and I'll be the last thing you ever see." The cashier looked away after that.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing him anymore anyway," I said.

"Yeah, but no one is allowed to talk to you like that," Collin said. He looked at me in the eyes. I never paid much attention to his. They were a deep brown with so much emotion and things I couldn't understand. Almost like a side it didn't know about.

"Um, we should probably head back," he said. "Nate needs these." He held up the box of nails.

"Oh. Yeah. He might need those," I smiled. We both laughed as we left the store.

Later that night, we all sat at the dinner table. Dr. Stone's wife, Evelyn, made honey roasted ham, mashed potatoes, sweet corn and garlic-covered beans, a loaf of bread, and apple pie for dinner. I've never seen so much food in my life!

I quickly piled up food on my plate. Everyone looked at me strangely as I put a third helping of mashed potatoes and beans on my plate.

"What?" I said. "I'm hungry." Everyone laughed.

"You eat more than my boys!" Evelyn laughed. She tried to take a sip of her lemonade but couldn't put the cup to her lips from laughing.

"I thought it was just Nate. I didn't know you had a brother." I looked at Nate. He put his head down and played with his uneaten corn.

"I have two brothers. Their twins actually." He put some corn in his mouth.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They, um, they left."


"Tyler found a job in LA last summer," Dr. Stone said. "He was a very smart young man. Actually found his mate there. Happily married with a baby girl on the way."

"Oh! That's wonderful!" I smiled.

"Yup! Her name is Ashley! Such a beautiful name, don't you think?" Kiera started. "I personally thought the name Autumn or Amber was better but she said those names make her think of annoying redheads! Such a silly thought in my opinion!"

"Uh, Kiera," Nate said. He turned his head to his mate.

"Oh! Right. I'll stop talking now." She put a piece of bread in her mouth. We all laughed.

"So, what about the other twin? I'm guessing he left town for a job?" I said curiously.

"No, actually, Joshua stayed here," Dr. Stone said.

"Oh! Where did he go?"

No one spoke. It was silent around the table. Only the sound of clinking tableware was the only thing heard.

Collin was the first to speak. "He died about 6 months ago."


Collin nodded. I could tell he felt really bad. No one seems comfortable to talk about his death so I didn't ask.

"How old we-ARE they?" I asked.

"23 by next week," Dr. Stone said.

"Shouldn't Tyler be Alpha? I thought the eldest gets to be Alpha."

"He should, but he turned it down to live with Sydney, his wife, and pursue is dreams as a publisher."

"Oh," I said. All of this was quite confusing.

"Well, I hope he has a wonderful birthday," I said with a smile.

"Nate and I are going to buy Tyler a present tomorrow!" Kiera said excitedly. "You can come if you want!"

I opened my mouth to speak but Dr. Stone spoke first.

"I'm afraid Baleigh can't go with you tomorrow. She'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

"But where will she be going?" Collin asked.

"Back to her home."

"No!" I jumped from my chair. "You can't take me back! You said my father was a horrible man that can't be trusted! You're father took my mom away from him because he was abusing her! He abuses me! You can't take me back to that evil man!" Tears started forming in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Baleigh but I have to take you back." Dr. Stone wiped some food from the corner of his mouth with a cloth napkin. He placed it on his empty plate.

"No! I won't go!" I folded my arms, trying hard to not cry.

"I would love to keep you here, but if Henry finds out you're here, he'll do everything in his power to bring you back."

"Fine! Let him! I'm not going back even if it kills me! I'm staying here! With Collin."

"You are?" He said shockingly.

"Yes. If I'm your mate, whatever that means, and you love me then I'm staying."

Dr. Stone sighed. "Alright. I'll let you stay. But if Henry comes looking for you, there's no telling what he will do."

"Thank you Doctor." I sat down, wiping the tear from my eyes. Collin rubbed him hand on my shoulder. I smiled.

"Please, call me Alan."

YAY! Another chapter! Hope you guys liked it! I would love some comments on any misspellings, grammar mistakes, and punctuation! I can read this a thousand times and never notice! I'll post soon!

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