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Thank you guys so much!! 242 views! Oh my goodness!! I've never had this many views this fast! Thank you all so much! Hope you all like this chapter!

Baleigh's POV

The world felt like it froze in an instant. The sound of the heart rate machine silenced. The feel of my IV in my arm and the pain in the head didn't hurt. Nothing moved around me. All was frozen. 

"W-W-What?" It was all I could say after what Dr. Stone had told me. 

I was the girl they've been searching for! This family knew my mother! My dad may have killed my mom! I couldn't take any of the information in. It was all so shocking. As I tried to process what Dr. Stone had told me, an old memory came to mind. 

"I don't want to wear it Mommy!" I wailed. 

"Baleigh. I need you to wear this for today. We're meeting some very important people. I need you to look and be nice. Can you do that for me sweetheart?" Mom crouched down and put her hands on my shoulders. 

"Okay. I'll wear it," I said. 

Mom smiled. "Good. Now, I want you to put this on while I go find you a pair of shoes that will go with it." Mom left the room, leaving me alone. 

I turned around and looked at my princess bed. A yellow dress laid on the bed. It had a white collar with two shiny blue buttons. The dress had a yellow lace over the actual dress. Two big yellow bows were sewn on front. Yellow was not my favorite color. I preferred pink or a very bright pink. I wanted everything to be pink, even my room pink. Mom said that being around the color too much would one day make me sick of it. 

I let out a sigh and went to put the dress on. I had just finished buttoning up the only button I could reached when Mom came in. 

"Oh Baleigh! You look so cute!" She held a pair of black sandals in her hand and gave me a big hug. I love Mommy hugs. 

"Can you help me with the buttons? I can't reach it," I said. Mom nodded and had me turn around. 

Once she was finished, she had me sit on my bed and put my shoes on like I was Cinderella. I didn't make a fuss as she put them on. 

Mom stood up and examined my outfit. "There's something missing," she said. "Hmm..." 

Mom headed to my bathroom, which was attached to my room. I followed her. She opened the draw under my sink. It was cluttered with headbands, colored hair ties, fancy clips, and bobby-pins. She rummaged through the draw and pulled out a black hair tie and a yellow ribbon. She motioned for me to sit on the toilet seat. 

I sat down, confused at what my mother was doing. He grabbed a brush, comb, and spray bottle and went to work. Mom pulled and tugged on my hair. I whined, saying it hurt my head. Mom told me to shush. I stopped after the third one. 

15 minutes later, Mom told me to stand up. I stood up and stood in the mirror. My hair was in a single french braid. The yellow ribbon was tied at the bottom. Somehow, Mom found some hair glitter and had sprinkled it in my hair. I felt like a princess. 

"Oh! You look like an angel!" Mom said. She gave me the biggest hug ever. I hugged her back real tight. "Thanks Mommy," I said. 

"I love you so much Baleigh," Mom said. "I don't ever want to let you go." 

I believed every word she said to me that day. I never believed anything else until Mom died. I thought she wouldn't let me go. Instead, she left me all alone.  

Another cliffhanger! Thanks for the many views guys! I really like writing this book. I put a picture of what Baleigh's dress looked like in the memory. I hope you all liked this chapter! I'll post soon!

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