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Image of Trinity up top. 

Baleigh's POV

It had been a full week and Trinity was still here. Nate stayed clear away from her. If he did get at least five feet close to her, someone would have to pull him into another room. 

Nate tried to convince Kiera that Trinity wasn't to be trusted, but she wouldn't listen. When I walked by Nate room just a few days ago, there was loud shouting and Kiera walking out. I watched Nate sit on his bed, his head in his hands. I guessed that things weren't going so well with them. 

Because Nate couldn't convince Kiera about Trinity's true nature, she spent the whole week hanging out with her. They went shopping, raced in the woods, spent hours on end in each other's room talking. I felt really left out. I tried to include myself by going with them to the mall, but I was the third-wheel in their friendship the entire time. When I tried to buy a new pair of shoes from Nike, Kiera and Trinity were already at the checkout line paying for theirs. I ran up to them and asked if I could pay for mine, but Kiera made up some lame excuse that she coolant pay for them. I had to put them back and find something cheaper at Macy's. 

I sat in my room, scrolling through Instagram on my new phone. Evelyn was kind enough to buy me an iPhone 7 Plus, equipped with an unlimited data plan. I spent hours downloading all the apps I could get without blowing up my phone. 

A girl from Kiera's high school had posted a bunch of photos and her and some friends spending the weekend at Florida Keys. I looked at a few and found a few photos of her and her boyfriend. One was him carrying her on his back as he ran in the ocean. Another was the two trying to photo bomb their friends trying to take a selfie. The last one I looked at was the two kissing in front of the setting sun on the beach. 

I felt strange looking at it. Collin and I have never kissed before. We've held hands, stayed up late watching movies. He even would let me eat the last piece of cake even though he wanted it. He was so kind to me. I felt like life was so much better when he was around. I felt like I was back in my old house with Dad being gone all day and me going to school all alone. 

I closed out of Instagram and put my phone down. I looked up at my ceiling to see the glow-in-the-dark stars Kiera bought for me when I first moved in. Why did she have to be such a jerk? I thought she was my friend. My best friend. She was there to cheer me up when I was sad, would let me buy the things I couldn't buy, and let us blast Taylor Swift and dance like we were the only ones in the house. Now, she spent those moments with the girl who kidnapped Collin and almost got Nate killed. She was playing right into her hands like a doll. I needed to do something about it. Something fast. 

I sat up and went over to my closet. I opened the door and rummaged through my clothes. I found a black sweatshirt and a pair of black high tops. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some black jeans. I pulled out a duffel bag from under my bed and started packing a few other things: a flashlight from the garage, a change of clothes, a blanket, a long rope, some matches, and a few brown paper bags. I snuck some food in them. Evelyn and Sydney were always in the kitchen either cooking or chatting. I was given 15 minutes to get some food while the two went outside to stretch their legs. 

As I walked up to my room, holding the paper bags in my hands, I almost tripped over a small furry lump on the stairs. 

"Kato!" He looked up at me in annoyance. "Sorry, buddy. I didn't see you there." I stepped over him and walked back to my room. Kato followed me all the way up. He jumped on my bed and stuck his tiny face in the duffel bag. 

"No, you cannot come with me," I said. I pushed him aside lightly and put the bags on top of the flashlight. 

Kato purred and looked up at me. His cute eyes looked tempting to let him come. 

"I'm sorry, but it'll be too obvious if you came." I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of socks. 

Kato jumped down from the bed and stood in front of me and I put my socks on. His tail moved back and forth. 

"No. You can't come." I sat up and zipped up the duffel bag. Instead of following me to the bed, Kato planted himself right in front of the door. 

"Move please," I said. He sat there, staring at me. 

I walked over to the door and pushed him aside with my foot. Kato jumped on my leg, his claws digging in my jeans. 

"Kato! Let go of me!" I tried to shake him off but he held on. Luckily, he didn't dig in enough to draw blood. 

"Get off!" I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off. I brought him up to eye level. His eyes looked like a puppy begging for a treat. 

"Will you stop trying to claw my legs off if I let you come with me?" He purred in agreement. I let him down. Kato rubbed himself around my legs. I shook my head and opened the door. 

I walked down the hall when Nate opened his bedroom door. 

"Heard you're trying to find Collin." He leaned against the door post, folding his arms. 

"How did you know?" I whispered. 

"Well, I saw you go downstairs to get a flashlight and food, and it sounded like your cat here wouldn't let you leave your room unless you let him come along with you. I'm pretty sure you're leaving tonight to find Collin." 

I put my hands on my hips. "I you no proof." 

"I bet that if I walk in your room, I'll find a duffel bag packed with the stuff needed for an escape." 

I sighed. He was right. "Fine, I'm going to find Collin, and you're not coming."

I wasn't going to," Nate said. He pulled up from his previous position and walked closer. "The only problem is, you don't know where he is." 

"And you do?" 

"Well, kind of. I know that the place where they are keeping him is in a town about 50 miles from here." 

"Then how come you got here on foot?" I folded my arms. 

"I stole one of their cars until it ran out of gas. The driver wasn't very good and keeping the tank full. I walked most of the way home. I'm a werewolf you know. I have heighten senses. You don't." 

"So you're saying, you don't want to go, but the only way I can get there is with your help?" 

"Pretty much." 

Ugh. He does have a point. I didn't know where Collin was and Nate is the only one who know where he is. Well, Trinity does too, but she wouldn't say a word about it. 

"So, I guess I'm gonna have to take my clingy cat and you on this trip?" I said with a sigh. 

"Yup. We'll leave tonight once everyone is asleep. Your room will be the best place to get out without the alarms going off." Nate turned around and headed back to his room. 

"How is my room the best place to escape?" I called. 

"Joshua was known for sneaking out at night. He even disabled the alarm system on that window without my parents knowing." Nate began to close the door but stopped halfway. 

"Also, if I were you, I would recommend bringing some stuff for the cat. I know how hungry he gets." Nate closed the door, leaving me alone in the hallway. 

I turned back around and headed to my room. Tonight, Nate and I were going to find Collin. Oh, and Kato too. Not sure what he will do though. 

This one was fun to write. Sorry if some of you liked Kiera. But I have seen the comments about her so I don't think many of you do. And don't worry! I have something horrible planned for Trinity in the near future! Leave some comments and votes and I'll post soon! 

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