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Baleigh's POV

"What?" One second Kiera was all happy to see this girl, the next Nate wants to rip her to shreds. I was really confused.

"What do you mean, Nate?" Trinity stood up from her seat. "I don't know what you're talking about." 

Nate growled. "Yes you do! You're the one who kidnapped me and Collin and chained us in a cell! Because of you, I almost got brainwashed!" 

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." Trinity looked at Kiera. "Help me out, dear. Your mate here is crazy." 

"Yeah, Nate," Kiera said. "Trinity is a good friend of ours. Not a traitor." 

"You don't know that! She's been lying to us for years! She's evil!" 

"Nathan! Calm yourself!" Dr. Stone walked up to his son. "You need rest. You've been through a lot. Why don't we talk about this tomorrow morning. Figure things out then." 

Nate stepped back from his father. "No! I don't want to wait until tomorrow! Trinity is evil. She knows were Collin is! She might even know about Baleigh's dad!" 

"Know about what?" We all turned our heads to see Dad standing by the front door. He still had his Walmart vest on. He held two Walmart plastic bags, each containing some food for a barbecue. 

"Hi Dad," I said. This felt really awkward. 

Dad gave me a nod and looked back at everyone else. "Please explain what's going on." 

"Henry," Evelyn said, "I'm so sorry for the distribution." She came up to Dad and grabbed the bags from him. 

"Nate is just tired. We can figure this all out tomorrow. I wouldn't stress about it." 

"Mom! You seriously believe her?" Nate's voice rose. 

"Sweetheart! Just calm down!" Evelyn spoke softly. 

"No Mom! Trinity is a rogue! She knows where Collin is! She might even know his fate!" 

"Nathan! Stop this at once!" Dr. Stone shouted. The whole room went quiet. 

"We will continue with this conversation tomorrow." Dr. Stone looked at Trinity. "we have a spare room on the second floor for you. You may sleep there tonight until we can figure things out." 

Trinity smiled. Her smile almost looked like a I-tricked-you-all smile. Maybe Nate was right. 

"Nate." Dr. Stone turned to his son. "You will stop this behavior. If you have a problem, go talk it out with yourself." 

Nate glared at Trinity before he headed up the stairs. "You're all gonna regret it!" He called. 

"Now, everyone, were having a barbecue tonight. Let's all wash up and make some steak." Dr. Stone turned on his heels and headed to his office. 

Everyone disbursed quickly. Evelyn went to the fridge to get some ingredients. Dad started opening the plastic bags and pulled out the burgers. Kiera ran out to the patio to get the grill started. I'm not sure how she knows how to use a grill, but she does. 

Tyler guided Sydney to her room so she could rest. Trinity had already left to her room. Before she left, she looked at me and smiled. I knew something was up. 

"So, are you gonna tell me whats going on?" I asked no one in particular. Everyone kept on doing what they were doing. 

I sighed and decided to help Evelyn. She had grabbed a cookbook out of the pantry. She placed on a cutting board stand and opened it up to the Dinner section. 

"Um, can I help?" I asked. Evelyn looked up from flipping through the book. 

"Of course! I'm just trying to find the perfect recipe to make the marinade for the steak!" 

I nodded and leaned over her shoulder to read the recipe. It required 1/3 cup of soy sauce. I leaned back and grabbed the sauce out of the fridge. 

I realized that I was really good at marinading steak. It turned out really good. Evelyn even complimented on my good work. 

About 30 minutes later, the steak was ready for the grill. Dr. Stone had changed out of his white coat and put on a plain shirt and blue jeans. He wore a white apron that said "Super Dad" on it. 

Nate never came down after the little argument. Trinity had disappeared from sight when she went upstairs to her new room. Kiera went to go check on her but she told Kiera to leave her alone. 

We finally ate around 7:15. Nate finally came down after Kiera had to drag her mate out of his room. I was given the wonderful gift of getting Trinity to come down for dinner. 

I walked up the stairs to the room she was staying at. I reached the door and put my hand up to knock when I heard her talking. 

"Yes, I did make it," she said. Make what? 

"No. They have no idea. But Nate might blow my cover. He knows." 

I knew it! Nate was right all along! 

"Baby, I know. And you'll never guess who I found." 

Baby? She must have a mate. I guessed that they were one of those lovey-dovey couple that can't get enough of each other. 

"I found Alpha 1. One of the original experiments! He's here!" 

Is she talking about Dad? I felt a chill run down my spine when I heard her speak again. 

"The only problem is, his daughter is here. She knows more than we think. I don't think we'll be able to get to her as fast as we hoped." 

There was a few seconds of silence when I heard the sound of yelling on a phone. 

"I know! Calm down Baby! We'll get her. We will get her and complete our mission. I promise." 

Is Trinity talking about me? Am I the one they want? Did they kidnap Collin just to get to me? 

"Yes. I will. Love you too!" I took that chance and knocked. 

I heard the sound of the bed squeak. "Yes?" Trinity asked. 

"Er, it's time for dinner, if you want to come join us." I could feel my body shake. 

"Yes. Just give me a minute." 

"Ok," I said. My voice sounded more like a squeak.

I quickly raced down the stairs to the outdoor table. I was too afraid to wait for Trinity. Nate was right. He was right all along. She could not be trusted. Because of her, Collin is missing, and suffering. We needed to find Collin. 

"Hey, Baleigh. You alright?" I looked up to see Kiera. I sat down in my seat next to her. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired," I said. 

I knew she didn't believe me, but she just nodded and turned back to grab the mashed potatoes. 

Trinity came down after we said grace. She chatted with Evelyn and Kiera. Sydney stuffed her face with food. Dad and Dr. Stone talked about sports while Tyler listened. He joined the conversation only when he felt like sharing. Nate would glare at Trinity every few seconds as he ate his green beans. I felt the urge to talk to Nate, but not in this situation. I wasn't sure what to do. 

Nate looked away from Trinity for a few seconds and looked at me. This was my chance. 

"I believe you," I mouthed to him. 

Nate looked at me for a few seconds before finally understanding what I had mouthed to him. 

"Thank you," he mouthed back. 

I was glad. I knew he was too. With two people believing the truth, we could get Collin back and fix this whole mess. 

YAY! I've been having a lot of writer's block because I really want to get to the good stuff! Anyway, leave comments and votes! You guys rock! 

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