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Baleigh's POV

"Holy cow! Did she come like that? Or was that you?" 

"I don't know! There was too much snow to tell! Stop asking questions Kiera!"

"Sorry! But does the cat really hate you because he's such a cutie!" 


"Guys! Stop talking! She's up." 

I very slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a bright light in my face. When my vision cleared, I saw more than a light. I saw people standing all around me. 

I tried to sit up or even run away but everything hurt. An IV was in my left arm and the sound of a heart rate machine was next to me. There was four people in the room. The first one that I noticed was a blonde girl. She looked really tall and her hair was up in a ballerina bun. Next to her was a tall, broad-shouldered guy. His hair was pitch black and spiked up with gel. He had a very serious look on his face. I didn't want to mess with him. 

On the other side of the bed was a messy, blonde haired boy. He must be at least 16 or 17 but he had a little bit of a baby face. His brown eyes seemed to be staring deep into my soul. It was making me freak out even more. The man next to him looked about 40. His brown hair was going grey and his beard was completely grey. He was wearing a doctor's coat with the name Dr. Stone stitched above an empty pocket. He held a clipboard in his arm and was jointing down notes while looking at me every few seconds. 

I looked at the 16 eyes that were staring at me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. My head hurt like a jackhammer was inside. My injured arm felt better, but I could still feel a little bit of pain. 

"W-who are y-y-you people?" Somehow, my voice sounded hoarse. 

The blonde girl spoke first. "Hi! My name's Kiera! This cute guy next to me is Nathan, but you can call him Nate. The blonde guy's name is Collin. He's your mate, BTW, and Nate's dad is the doctor over there. He's super nice and really good with his patients so you don-"

"Woah. Wait a sec. My mate?" I was really confused. 

"Yeah! Collin was the one who hit you with his car after he ditched us at the Winter Dance." She glared at him for a second. "Apparently, when he tried to check your pulse he felt that spark that we werewolves feel when you find your mate! Pretty cool, huh? He's been looking for years to find his mate. Cool that you just happened to fall right in front of him." Kiera smiled. She talks way too much. 

"I'm confused. You said mate, right," I asked. 

"That's right!" she replied. 

"And you said werwolves? But werwolves aren't real. They're just myths a-and legends." Having them all looking at me was still freaking me out. 

"Silly goose! Werewolves are real! Why, all four of us are werewolves!" Kiera directed to herself and the three guys. 

"You sure you didn't hit your head on something?" I asked. 

Kiera opened her mouth to answer when Dr. Stone put his hand up. 

"I think you should all leave and let Miss O'Conners get some rest. The injuries that she had were pretty bad and they need to heal. Why don't you all ask her questions after she's out of the infirmary." 

Kiera sighed before grabbing Nate's hand and headed out the door. Collin looked at me for a few seconds before he trailed behind the other two. Dr. Stone watched them go before he turned back around to look at me. 

"I'm guessing you have a lot of questions, don't you," he asked. 

"Yes. How do you know me? Why did Kiera say that Collin was my mate? And why does she keep saying that werewolves are real? It makes no sense!" I felt my body shake as I talked. 

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