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The picture up above is what Nate looks like. Dylan O' Brien is pretty awesome though! :)

Baleigh's POV 

"My goodness, Nate! What happened?" Evelyn put a blanket over Nate's shoulders. Dr. Stone was examining his injuries and shining lights in his face. 

"Dad! I'm not blind!" He put his hands in his face, covering his eyes. 

"Sorry." Dr. Stone put his flashlight away. "I'll go get my medical bag." He left the room to his office. 

"Where's Kiera?" Nate asked. He looked around for his mate. 

"She's outside. I'll go get her." I sat up and started heading to the front door when Kiers came bursting in. 

"Nathan Michael Stone! Where have you been?" She pushed me out of the way and pulled Nate into a bone-crushing hug. 

"Oh my! Nice to see ya too Kiera." Nate hugged her back. "Can you, uh, let me go. I can't really breath." 

Kiera let go. "Don't you DARE lave me like that again! I thought you died!" She looked like she was about to kill him. 

"Kiera I- I didn't know what to do. I tried to get back and-" Kiera suddenly burst into tears. 

"Kiera?" Nate put his hand on her shoulder. "Look at me." 

She looked up. Her eyes were full of tears and her faced was streaked was wet. 

"I would never leave. Never. I wouldn't do it on purpose. I love you. You're my mate. I can't leave you, and I never want to." 

Kiera just looked at him before she gave him another hug, this time she wasn't trying to squeeze him to death. 

I saw tears form in Nate's eyes. He held his mate tighter. I had to look away. I didn't want anyone to see my cry. 

Evelyn put her hand on Nate's shoulder, breaking the hug. She was crying as well. 

"I almost thought I lost you." That was all she could manage to say. She put her head in her hands. Her sobs made it worse for me. I found a box of tissues on one of the counters in the kitchen. I grabbed a few for myself and gave some to Evelyn. 

She gave me a nod, signaling a thank you. She wiped her eyes. Nate sat up from his chair and hugged his mom. She started crying harder. 

"It's okay Mom," he said. He rubbed her back. Evelyn sobbed in his shoulder. Kiera patted her hand. I felt really left out, not sure what to do. I decided to grab her free hand. I held it, showing that I cared. I still felt really awkward. 

Dr. Stone came back. He stood there at the end the kitchen, staring at all of us. Kiera was the first to notice. 

"Alan!" She let go of Evelyn's hand. I did too. Nate let go of his mom. His shoulder was soaked from tears. 

"It's alright," Dr. Stone said. "I knew you were having a moment. Didn't want to ruin it." He kept his head down and walked over to Nate's chair. Nate had sat back down, his blanket sitting on the seat. 

We all leaned over Dr. Stone's shoulder, curious at what he would do. He had grabbed a stethoscope from his bag. He froze in the middle of pulling it out. 

"Can you all leave please? I prefer to work alone." 

"OH! Yeah. We'll go." Kiera grabbed my hand. "Let's go do that thing we were gonna do with Kato." I nodded and followed her up the stairs. 

Evelyn stayed behind for a few seconds before she headed to her room. I think she was hurting more than any of us. 

I grabbed Kato who was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. He was grooming his messy fur. When I picked him up, I almost gagged. 

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