Going Out

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You don't take account how many people can fit into a single room until your standing in front of it. It being the room filled with more people that you can count, all there to see BTS at their fansign.

Mina and Asher were right about the fansign, and it wasn't as much as a hassle to begin with, but now. . .

Now all you hear are fans screaming and the sound of shoving and pushing. It was an overwhelming way to start off you're day, but soon your ears adjust.

You've already done your job of doing Jungkook's makeup. It was as silent as the other times, but you're still unsure of why. Sure, it was already given that doing a new models makeup would be awkward to do at first, but should things really be this uncomfortable still?

Thinking back on it now, you realize that you probably know more about some of the other members than you do about Jungkook. Heck, you don't think you know anything about him. Other than the obvious, of course, like he's a k-pop idol, he's currently going to college, and everything else that no one really had to tell you. Things that you just already know.

You guess he doesn't know anything about you either. But should he? To him, you're probably nothing more than another makeup artist. Everything about your relationship is strict to work only.

Whatever the case, you're just ready to go back to Seoul. Even though you're still trying to adjust there with this new job, it's still home.

Now, for the next however many hours, you have to stay in another small room in the back of the fanmeet with the other staff while Bangtan does their thing.

"Y/N," you hear someone call your name. It's another artist. You're pretty sure her name's Haneul, and you're pretty sure she does Yoongi's makeup- one thing you still don't understand. From what you've gathered, that man is as stubborn as an ox.

"Oh, Haneul, right?" you stand up from the chair you were sitting in to greet her.

She smiles widely at you and nods her head. "Yes, I heard you're Jungkook's new makeup artist? I'm sorry I haven't got the chance to properly introduce myself," she bows lightly.

"Not at all! I'm still trying to fit in, so I still have many people to meet," you reassure her. "So what's up?"

She shrugs her shoulders before talking, "Not much. I'm just trying to make conversation I guess. There's not much to do for the rest of the time."


And that's how you became friends with Haneul. After she introduced herself, you found to have a lot of things in common with her. You have similar backgrounds, and even now, with your job.

With the several hours you were stuck at the fanmeet, you got to learn a lot about each other, and it's the most fun you've had all trip.

Like the concert, it took a while to get out of the building, and by the time you got home, it was already late.

You heard that tomorrow is finally the free day you've been waiting for, so all you have to do is get a good night of sleep and then the day is yours- hopefully.


"CAUGHT IN A LIE~!" You eyes scrunch shut from the loud noise ringing withing the large car you're in.

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