Get to Know You

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SURPRISE! I updated today! I know I said I wasn't after everything deleted, but I've been hard at work and have an update for you guys! I don't think I've ever typed so fast, so please ignore any mistakes along the way!

Yes, I know what some of you are thinking, this chapter was already published. If you were one of the bunch who happened to read it while it was up shortly, I apologize! Somehow the original version got uploaded, and all of my revisions were then deleted. That is why it was probably extremely confusing for y'all to read! I'm sorry, but here is the ACTUAL update!


Okay y'all. Here's the deal. You don't need to staple your wigs down or anything just yet, but the story is going to be progressing more in these next couple chapters! Enjoy!

Sorry for late update! *runs away and watches Charlie Puth's music video*


"I didn't know I'd collapse like that," Jungkook says when it's his turn to explain the incident to the camera. He laughs halfheartedly, shaking his head lightly. "It's the first time that happened to me." Looking down, he adds, "I was very flustered. I was overworking myself. My body knew it... I knew it."


The managers continue to get him cooled down the best they can. You kneel down, and begin to put the ice pack you brought in on his forehead. "Ah, I've got it." The man says, taking over the position your hand had on his forehead.

Nodding your head, you retreat back to the side of the room. You want to help somehow, but know that they know what they're doing. There's no doctor's, so you take that as a sign that his situation isn't life threatening, which brings you some relief while you watch.

The other manager that kneels by the lower half of Jungkook's body grabs the hem of his shirt and moves it up and down, allowing air to flow into it. "Take off his socks." The man that fans Jungkook's face says. "He said he's fine, but I think he should take them off."

Eyes closed, laying flat on the floor, Jungkook weakly shakes his head. "Don't..."

"You're okay?" He asks again.

The other manager continues to take off his socks nonetheless, lifting up his foot. "No, don't." Jungkook breathes, his voice giving out towards the end. You watch as he swallows harshly, eyes scrunched. He's been in so much pain, but barely showed it while preforming. It amazes you.

"Your socks are your pride?" The manager jokes, adjusting the pack on his head. Jimin laughs for the first time since you got here - before Jungkook got like this - while sitting in a chair next to him. "It's a little embarrassing, right?" The man laughs, then sighs out of relief. "It's okay."

He smiles.

Jungkook smiles. Like Jimin, for the first time since before the show began. Through his closed eyes that hide his pain, he smiles.



"I know, I'm sorry." You apologize while picking at the instant ramen cup. "This is the best I could do. I promise I'll take you out for real next time."

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