Round Two

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"Oh," Jungkook says casually as you show him the screen that displays a picture of you doing his makeup at the shoot last week. "Jin Hyung showed me that. Someone took it while we were at the photo shoot the other day."

Your eyes retrace their way back from him to the phone screen. "Okay, but why?"

"Why what?"

"Why is it your screen saver first of all, and who the heck took it?!" You ask with a mixture of confusion and hidden surprise, covered with false anger. Surprise at the fact that you're on Jungkook's phone. Even if it's just of your back and hand, and there's no way that anyone would know who it is unless they were there, it still is surprising to even think how you, an awkward, makeup-loving, nobody, managed to make it here.

Jungkook chuckles, taking his phone out of your hands. "It's just a picture, Noona. I thought it would look good as a screen saver, that's all."

"Right," you agree, trying to calm down and not get so worked up. "Sorry I made such a fuss, it just surprised me that I was actually in one of the pictures taken. I mean because it wasn't part of the concept photos, I don't know why they would even bother taking it. It's just that-"

"Noona," he interrupts you, smiling widely. "It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself to me."

You nod once, turning your back to him and facing the table to gather the makeup remover and creams to begin the cleaning process.


Boring, boring, boring. That's how the past few days have been going for you if you were asked to sum them up. But, that trend will soon be cut off when you leave Seoul again. This time, to Chile; a place that you would've never imagined you'd ever go to. Heck, you never even planned on going anywhere out of Seoul until this job.

Since Osaka was your first time out, you've picked up a few things after the fact. The first being what you pack. You learned to pack everything you absolutely need, and nothing more. You also now know what to expect on the flight there. However, unlike when you went to Osaka, this time you stop along the way to switch flights. And the fact that it will take over a day to get there also intimidates you, but with proper medication to help you, you hope you'll do fine.

That brings you to the night before. If it should even be called that, since you're not getting any sleep, as you have to be there extremely early. Already set and fully packed, all you have to do is sit and wait for the time to come when you can finally leave.

Clicking your phones home button for the thousandth time to check your phone, you're met with your screen. The same picture remains as last time, yet you have no desire to change it. Smiling lightly at it, you look at the time, which is way passed your usual bedtime.

You made absolutely sure that you were meeting at the studio, because of the mix-up last time when Mina told you wrong. So, right off the bat you feel better about this trip.

"Let's go," you announce to yourself while getting up from your bed that continuously tempts you to sleep in it.

The plane doesn't take off for a couple more hours, but between getting to Big Hit, driving to the airport, getting escorted through it, and finally boarding the plane, the time does add up to be quite a lot.

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