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You can relate to a lot of things that have to do with the number four. To list some off the top of your head, there's (1) the number of lipsticks you're currently carrying in your bag, (2) the number of times you've gone to the bathroom today- you drank a lot of coffee this morning, (3) the number of people who have looked at you in the last minute or so, and (4) the amount of times you've had to stop yourself from falling asleep on this damn bench you've been sitting on.

Heck, there's the number four again: four things you just listed off the top of your head. The list goes on and on, but the one four that constantly pokes at your brain is the number of hours you've been at the mall. Yes, that's right. Four extremely long, agonizing hours have gone by, and by now your butt cheeks are beyond numb. Two out of those four hours you have spent sitting on this damn bench. Just sitting there, waiting.

Waiting for what?
Waiting to get the heck out of here and go back to the hotel.

Sure, there are a couple things you like about the mall. You like the cosmetic and beauty stores. But, one thing you refuse to do is spend four hours of your life looking at whatever you find.

You thought that since it was already the afternoon and you had already gone out to eat, that you'd be in and out of the mall. But man were you wrong. Heck, you were caught in a freakin' lie, and you can't escape.

You reach in your bag for your almost dead phone, hands brushing passed the four lipsticks you always have on hand.

You glance for an outlet nearby, your eyes scanning passed the bathroom that you had so embarrassingly used four times. Thankfully, however, you do spot an outlet and plug your cord that you grabbed last minute from the hotel and plug in your phone.

Sitting around you is the other staff members who tagged along, probably thinking the same thing you are. There's four of them.

"FOUR!" you scream abruptly, causing everyone within a certain radius to look your way. Laughing awkwardly, you manage a "sorry," before slumping back into your fetal position.

Frowning to yourself, you realize just how bored you really are. Heck, you spent all that time focusing on the freaking number four, and for what. To pass time?

No more of this. You decide. Today, Y/F/N will spread her wings and become a social butterfly.

And with your short, not so sophisticated, pep talk, you stand up. Once again earning the attention of the four people around you. Darn four. You mentally curse one more time before smiling like you hadn't a single time that night, and walk away.

Here I go! You cheer yourself on, but stop after walking a couple more steps. Where exactly am I going?

Turning your head, you look back at the others who sit patiently, and consider turning back. But, you shake your head and disregard any of those thoughts. You will enjoy your time in Osaka while not on the job, and if that means shopping you'll find a way to make it work.

You glance at the digital clock that hangs above you.


By now, there's not many shoppers left. Or certainly not as many as when you first arrived.


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