Lost Stars

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Mina's POV

"Where is she?" Mina asks to herself while pacing around the otherwise empty room. "She should be back by now." She mumbles while referring to Y/N, who left to get her phone well-over fifteen minutes ago.

While she could've fallen asleep easily with how tired she was at the time, she couldn't once she realized how long her friend was taking.

Finally deciding that she's been gone too long for comfort, she grabs a jacket and slips on her shoes before exiting the room.

Walking down the empty hallway serves Mina more fright than she even thought. The thought of someone lurking around the building sends chills down her spine, not to mention the fact that Y/N could have been easily pursued by a stranger like the one she has perfectly painted in her head.

However, the unrealistic thought isn't enough for Mina to take more of an action and get one of the managers to help search.

Walking more quickly down to the main floor in search of the make-shift dressing room where Y/N said she was going, Mina passes by a big window that serves a perfect view of the water ahead, the single square of light the only thing left of the set sun.

As she nears the hallways in which she knows holds the door to the dressing room, she lets out a sigh of relief, turning into the other area of the large building.

A yelp escapes her mouth as she turns, the dimly lit hallway showing nothing but an eerie outline of a man.

The sight was so quick that she thinks the phantom-like figure could've even been a part of her imagination.

But she's not taking any chances.

Quickly turning around, she yells, running back from the way she came.

However, it isn't long until she can hear the nearing of loud thumps above her screams.

The person is right behind her. And they're chasing her.



"Did you hear that?" You whisper nervously, looking up at the building that you swear you heard a scream just come from. But then it's gone.

"Stop being so worried, Noona. No one else is here." Jungkook assures you as you sit out on the beach, side by side on the cool grains below you.

"I know, but— wait, why are we here again?" You suddenly ask, noticing the fact that everyone else is asleep, as well as how the sky above is no longer lit.

Baffled, you realize you willingly came out and sat here at such a late time, just because he asked you to.

"Just sit with me." He says simply, dodging your question and looking up into the open air. "Just for a while."

You look at him from the side, admiring his suddenly calm demeanor.

How can one person show so many different emotions in such a short period of time?

...Maybe he's bipolar?

You suppose if that was the case, even you could be considered bipolar, as your mood switches constantly.

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